Cas? What Are You Wearing?

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Sam was laying down on the bed he shared with Castiel.

The angel was currently away, doing God knows what.

Sam was bored out of his mind.

There were no hunts, his boyfriend wasn't home, and his brother was out at a bar.

Sam curled up on the bed, taking in Cas' scent, that was stuck on the pillow.

Mid deep breath, Sam's phone buzzed on the nightstand. Barely lifting his head, he reached over and picked up the phone, looking at the text.

Are you home?

Of course.


Are u on ur way?

Read at: 9:47 P.M.

Sam huffed when Cas left him on read. He hated that. He put his phone down and went back to snuggling the pillow.

A few minutes later, when Sam was almost asleep, he was woken up by that angelic voice that he loved.

"Hello, Sam."

Sam looked up quickly and smiled when he saw Cas. "Hey, Cas. Where have you been?" He took Cas' appearance. His trenchcoat was closed all the way and it looked as if he didn't have pants on. "Um, Cas?"

"I, um, have something to show you, Sam." Cas had a small blush on his face.

"Alright, what is it?"

Cas bit his lip and took off his trench. Sam's eyes widened when he saw what Cas was wearing.

"Cas? What the hell are you wearing?"

Cas had on a pair of booty shorts and a tight t-shirt on.

"I was told that... Dressing up like this turns on your partner."

Sam looked him up and down. "Uh, yeah... If you were a woman..."

"Oh... Do you... Not like it?"

Sam didn't answer. He swung his legs off the bed and sat at the edge of it. He beckoned Cas over.

Cas walked over, slightly embarrassed that his little plan didn't work. "I apologize, Sam... I'll take it off-"

"No. Sam pulled Cas into his lap and smirked. "You're not taking it off by yourself. I think you need a bit of help."

Cas wrapped his arms around Sam's neck and smiled a bit. "I do believe I need help, Sam."

"And I'll be happy to help you, Cas."

I leave the rest to your imagination.

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