What's Wrong With You Two?

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"Cas, Cas! Are you alright?" Sam asked, kneeling beside him, Dean kneeling on his other side.

Cas grunted as he sat up. "Yes...I'm fine..."

"You don't feel any different?" Dean asked as he and Sam helped stand up.


"I wonder what she did to you... She had to have did something..." Sam mumbled, looking around for the witch that they we're hunting, sighing when he realized she got away.

"We'll figure that out later...we should get out of here," Dean said, gathering their weapons.

The three of them quickly left the warehouse and got in the Impala; Sam and Cas in the backseat, Dean driving.

Cas surprisingly felt fine. He didn't know why, but he wasn't complaining. He sighed and looked forward, catching Dean's gaze for a second in the mirror. He shrugged it off though and looked out his window. He felt Sam's hand on his thigh and smiled softly. His smile faltered for a second when Sam started to rub and squeeze his thigh, a small grin on his face. He was surprised that Sam was being this...touchy. Usually after a hunt like this, where the creature escapes, he would be pissy and angry. This was new.

By the time they got to the motel, Sam was pretty much all over Cas. He couldn't stop touching him, even when the car had stopped. By no means was Cas complaining either. He was just surprised that Sam was doing all of this in front of Dean. Sam never even talked about his sex life in front of Dean, so why would he be all touchy?

They walked in the room and Cas went take a shower, leaving the brothers alone.

"Uh, Sammy?" Dean muttered, glancing over at Sam who was sitting on one of the beds.


Dean rubbed his neck and glanced away. "Don't get mad when I say this, but...Cas looks so fucking hot right now...I kinda want him to..." Dean trailed off, not wanting to admit that he wants his brother's boyfriend to fuck him.

"You...what?" Sam asked. Is he feeling the same ways as me? He thought, looking towards the bathroom door then back to his brother.

"I sorta kinda want him to fuck me..."

"You too?"


"Ever since we got into the car, I've been having this urge to just let him do whatever he wants to me...I couldn't keep my hands off of him earlier..." Sam admitted, gulping a little. "Do you think that..."

"The witch did do something to him..."

"Love spell?"

"But she woulda gave that to us. She did something to make him seem 1oo times more attractive."

"Well, what do we do?"

"Don't look at him for the night?"


"I know it would be hard, but what else do-"

Just then, Cas walked out the bathroom with a towel around his waist and his hair damp. He paid no attention to the boys as he went over to his duffel bag and started digging for his clothes.

Sam and Dean stared at Cas from behind. His back muscles flexing ever so slightly, the way his arms flexed whenever he moved...it all drove them insane.

Sam stood up and went over to Cas. He turned him around and smashed their lips together, earning a surprised hum from him. Dean glared at his brother, then looked back at Cas, licking his lips. He wanted a taste of the angel, and knew he would get it. One way or another.

Cas stared at Sam in shock, but kissed him back. What the hell is going on?! He thought as he shut his eyes.

He suddenly felt Sam's lips roughly rip from his. He opened his eyes just as Dean smashed his lips on to Cas'.

What the actual fuck?!

"What the hell, Dean?! Find your own angel!" Sam growled as he shoved Dean away.

The two brothers kept shoving each other and yelling back and forth. Cas watched them, confusion on his face. "Guys?" He said softly, trying to get their attention. "Hey..HEY...HEY!!" They both jumped and looked at Cas with wide eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you two?!"

"We think that the witch did do something to you..." Sam muttered.

Cas furrowed his eyebrows. "But I feel fine. I don't feel any different!"

"We think it was some kind of spell she put on you..." Dean mumbled as he bit his lip, his eyes on the small tent in the towel.

"What? Why?"

"Because, we both suddenly find you really attractive and really want you to fuck us," Sam admitted, his eyes on the tent as well. "I mean, you know this isn't me, Cas..."

Cas bit his lip and nodded. He looked between the brothers and noticed where both of their eyes were. He blushed and shifted under their gaze. "W-Well...what do we do?"

"Fuck us," both of the brothers said, looking into Cas' eyes.

Cas' eyes widened as Sam pulled the towel from around his waist. Dean grabbed his hand and pulled him over to one of the beds and made him lay down. He sat up on his elbows as he watched Sam and Dean kneel on the bed. Sam reached for Cas' cock and stroked him a few times, getting him fully erect. He let go and ducked his head, slowly licking and slightly nibbling on one side of his cock, while Dean did the same to the other side.

Cas let out a small groan and fell back against the bed, letting the two do their work. He didn't know what that witch did to him, but he didn't care; he was actually sorta kinda thanking her for it. He shut his eyes and softly moaned as one of them shoved his face against his balls and suckled on them.

Dean better back the fuck off when Cas fucks me... Sam thought, shooting his brother a small glare, before taking Cas' cock into his mouth. He listened to Cas moan and hummed against him, slowing taking all of him into his mouth.

Fuck off, Sammy. Dean thought as he gently suckled on Cas' balls, shoving his face deeper into them.

Cas moaned softly and raised his hips. Using his grace, he pulled off Sam and Dean's pants and boxers and started to slowly push his grace inside of them.

They both pulled away from Cas and moaned loudly, both bucking their hips back to try to get more of the grace inside them, but were denied when Cas' grace held them in place.

"Use your tongue boys. Then daddy might reward you." Cas smirked when they whined and went back to licking at his cock. He waited a minute before he pushed his grace deeper, hitting their prostates with each thrust of it.

Sam and Dean moaned against Cas' cock, the pleasure from his grace quickly bringing them close to their release. They licked, nipped, and sucked at Cas' cock, drawing moans out from the blue eyed angel. They loved the sounds that they got from the angel and wanted to keep getting them from him.

"Fuck, boys! I'm gonna cum!" Cas moaned out, both of his hands grabbing at their hair.

Sam and Dean started to lick Cas' slit, lapping up the precum that was dripping from it. Before they knew it, Cas' cum was coating their tongues, mouths, and faces in a layer of white. Neither one could hold back and ended up cuming as well.

The grace that was filling the two up slowly faded away as they took their mouths off of Cas' cock. The three sat there panting heavily before Cas snapped his fingers and they were all cleaned and dressed.

Sam and Dean moved to lay on both of Cas' sides. They put their heads on his chest and immediately fell asleep.

Cas grinned and kissed both of their heads and wrapped his arms around them. "Witches aren't too bad," he thought out loud before he closed his eyes and fell into a light slumber with the boys.

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