Can We Keep Them?

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"Shh... Ava, you gotta be quiet." Sam whispered to the fluffy, black cat on the floor of one of the many bedrooms of the bunker.

Ava meowed quietly again and rubbed up against Sam's leg.

Sam bent down and picked her up, softly petting her. "Who's a good girly? You are!" He smiled and kissed her head.

He looked around the room, making sure he had everything to take care of her. Litter box, food, bed. The essentials. And not to mention toys for her.

Ava fell asleep in Sam's arms and he smiled. He but her down in her bed and smiled. He walked out the room and closed the door behind him.

Now, all he has to do is hide her from Dean and Cas.

Sadly, that didn't last for long.

About two days later, Ava went into labor. Sam didn't even know she was pregnant!

He looked up how to help a cat in labor and was currently running around the bunker, trying to find the things he needed.

As he was coming out of the bathroom with a towel in hand, he gasped when he ran straight into Cas.

"Hello, Sam. What are you doing?"

"N-Nothing.. Just getting a towel to clean up a mess I made. No big deal. Talk to you later!" Sam hurried off down the hall. He rounded the corner and dissapeared from view.

Cas tilted his head as he watched Sam hurry off. He knew that the Winchester was lying and wanted to see what he was up too.

Sam had the towel by Ava and was kneeling beside her. "You can do this girly."

Ava mewled loudly obviously in pain. Sam had read that it would be better not to touch them, but the look she gave him made him start petting her head.

While he was encouraging the poor cat, he failed to notice the flutter of wings behind him.

"Sam? What are you doing?"

Sam jumped and moved to where he was blocking the view of Ava. "H-Hey Cas! What's up-"

Ava mewled loudly once again and Sam quickly turned to her, ignoring Cas. His baby was hurting and he wanted to be there for her.

Cas furrowed his eyebrows and walked over, kneeling beside Sam. He looked closely at her. "She's in labor..."


Cas nodded and stood again. He suddenly flew off, causing Sam to bite his lip. He figured that Cas was mad at him.

Sam went back to making sure Ava would be as comfortable as possible.

After a few minutes, Ava had one of the kittens and Cas had popped back in.

He had a small tub of water, a towel, and a blanket. He sat beside Sam and Ava and gently placed his hand on her head. He rubbed her head a bit before retracting his hand. "She has five more."

Sam nodded a bit and looked at him. "You... aren't mad?"

"No, of course not, Sam."

Cas turned away and wet the towel. He gently picked up the newborn kitten and started cleaning it off.

With the presence of the Winchester and angel, Ava was curled up around her babies a couple of hours later.

She gently licked Cas and Sam's hands, then started licking her babies.

Cas smiled at them, then looked at Sam. "Why did you think I would be mad, Sam?"

Sam shrugged a little. "I don't know to be honest."

Cas gave him a small smile and a sideways hug. "I'll never be mad about something like this, Sam."

Sam smiled and wrapped his arm around Cas. "You promise?"

"I promise.

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