Beach Time

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Today was one of those days when no monster dared to disturb the world.

So, Sam declared that they go to the beach.

Dean agreed, mainly because of 'babes in bikinis'.

Cas agreed, because... Well because Sam wanted to go.

In all honesty, if Sam told him to go jump off a bridge, he'd do it in an instant.

Anyway, they packed up the Impala and took off to the beach.

When they got there, the Winchesters eagerly hopped out the car, while Cas wearily got out.

He had never been to a beach before and this new scenery surprised him.

"C'mon Cas!" Sam called as him and Dean closed the trunk and started walking away from him.

"Yeah, get the lead out of your ass!"

Cas closed the door and hurried after the brothers. He didn't tell either of them that he's never been to a beach, in fear of being made fun of.

They found the perfect spot and set up their umbrellas and beach blankets.

Dean grabbed a beer out the ice chest. "I'm goin see if I could pick up some beach babes," he said before walking away.

"Cas, come in the water with me!" Sam happily exclaimed and started walking to the blue water.

Cas cringed, but followed Sam. "Um... Sam?"


"I've... Never done this before..."

"Done what? Come to the beach or swimming?"


Sam chuckled and gently grabbed Cas' hand. "We can hold hands until your comfortable enough to let go."

Cas nodded and smiled lightly.

Sam started to pull him towards the water. When they got to the edge of the sand, Sam felt Cas' grip tightened, so he gave it a reassuring squeeze.

They walked slowly into the water, both quickly growing accustomed to how cold it was.

"See, Cas? It's not so bad."

Cas nodded in agreement. He was still a bit scared though.

Soon, Cas got brave and let go of Sam's hand. He smiled and kept walking.

"Hey, Cas!"

Cas turned around to look at Sam, but got greeted with a face full of water. Sputtering, he sent a playful glare to Sam and started to splash him back.

Eventually, Dean joined the two and started splashing along with them.

After a few hours, it was growing dark. The boys had been gotten out of the water, and were laying on their towels.

Dean had fallen asleep, hands behind his head and sunglasses covering his eyes.

Cas and Sam decided to go take a walk along the beach. They were holding hands and swinging their arms.

"Did you have fun on your first day at the beach, Cas?"

"Yes, I did, Sam. Thank you for making this day enjoyable."

"Anything for you, Cas. I love you."

"And, I love you too, Sam."

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