I Lurver You

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Cas watched as the younger Winchester consumed copious amounts of alcohol. A small smile appeared on his face as he watched Sam discover how strong he had accidentally made his drink.

The two were currently on a hunt. Well, they were finished with the hunt and were celebrating, if you want to get technical.

"Here's to a successful hunt, Cas!" Sam slurred and tapped his drink against Cas'.

Cas chuckled. "Very successful indeed, Sam."

The two were quiet for a while. Cas sipped his drink while Sam full on chugged his.

"Caaaas. I gotta tell you somethinnnnn'." Sam said with a small giggle.

Cas tilted his head. "What is it, Sam?"

"I lurver yooou!"

"You... 'lurver' me?" Cas' eyes narrowed. Sure, he wasn't used to human language, but he was sure 'lurver' wasn't in their dictionary.

Sam hummed and nodded. "I lurver you sooooooo much, Cas!"

Lurver? What is the lurver word? "Sam, what does 'lurver' mean?"

"When you like someone a lot, you lurve them!"

When you like someone a lot, you lurver- love? Is that what he meant?

"Do you lurve me, Cassie? Cause I really lurve youuu!"

"I, um, Sam... I don't think you'll remember this in the morning, but... I love you too."

Sam gasped happily. He set his drink down and threw his arms around Cas. "Cassie lurves me!"

Cas couldn't help but smile. "Yes, Sam. I love you."

Even if Sam didn't remember what he said in the morning, Cas was still gonna ask him about it.

That's exactly what he did.

He was surprised to find out that Sam did remember.

After Sam brushed his teeth, the two kissed.

Sure, the night before wasn't how Sam wanted to confess his love, but he was happy nonetheless.

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