Sorry, Castiel

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"Sorry, Castiel, but you're not good enough for me."

"S-Sam, wha-"

"No, let me finish. You're a good for nothing angel, that does nothing, but fuck everything up. You're completely useless. I don't know why I ever loved you in the first place."

"Sam, please-"

"Goodbye, Castiel."

Cas watched in horror as the one man he loved walked out the door, not once looking back.

He broke down in tears, dropping to his knees. Sam's words kept repeating in his head as he curled up on the floor and sobbed.

The dog him and Sam had, named Lemon, (s/o to 1SassyTrekkie), came trotting over to him and started licking his face.

With a choked sob, Cas wrapped his arm around Lemon, pulling him close. "Y-You still love me, r-right boy?"

Lemon responded with a yip and licked Cas' face again, causing the broken angel to crack a small smile.

A few days later, Cas was a wreck. He wasn't doing the things he normally did. Checking up on the Winchesters, taking Lemon for walks.

It's a good thing he didn't need to eat or drink. Cause he wasn't doing those things either.

The only things he's been doing, is feeding Lemon and crying himself to sleep.

And that's exactly what he's doing right now.

Crying and staring at his ceiling.

He wouldn't be in so much pain if Sam had told him what he did wrong in their relationship and actually let him try to fix it.

For what seemed like the millionth time in the past few days, Cas glanced over at the angel blade sitting on his dresser.

Without another thought, he stood up and walked out the room.

He got to the living room and grabbed Lemon's water a food bowl. He filled them up to the very top and then went and got two bowls from the kitchen and filled them both up as well.

He whistled and Lemon came running. Cas picked him and a smiled sadly. "I love you Lemon. I really do. But, I gotta go, alright? Don't eat all your food and water in one day, please."

Lemon tilted his head at Cas. Even though he was a dog, he still felt as if something was wrong. He licked Cas in his face, trying to cheer him up.

Cas kissed his head, then put him down. He patted his head before walking back to his room. He shut the door and locked it.

This will probably be the only good thing I've ever done with my life.

~A few days later~


"Dude, Sammy chill out! What's going on?!"

"Th-The demon, Dean!"

"What about it?! It's gone! It's not in you anymore!"

"It said things to Cas, Dean! When you got the bitch out of me, I tried calling Cas and praying to him, but he never answered! I'm worried about him!"

"Oh, shit!"

Dean stepped on the gas and flew down the street.

In record time, they made it to Cas and Sam's apartment complex and jumped out. They skipped steps as the ran to the apartment.

When they got to the door, Sam started banging on it. "CAS?! CAS, PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!!"

Instead of Cas, they heard the sounds of barking.

Dean pushed his little brother out the way and kicked down the door.

They both ran in and Lemon immediately started barking and running around them. He then took off to Cas and Sam's room. He stuck his snout under the door and started to whimper and whine loudly.

Sam and Dean went after him. Dean picked up Lemon as Sam broke down that door.

They both hurried in and immediately froze.

"No... Cas... No."

Sam took slow steps over to Cas' body, that had an angel blade sticking out of his chest, and wings burned into the floor.

"Cas, no... Please..." Sam dropped down next to his body and cupped his cheek gently. "Baby, please..."

Dean watched a his little brother started to cry. His own tears started to fall as he looked at his brother and best friend. He put Lemon down and went over to Sam, kneeling beside him. "C'mere, Sammy..."

Lemon sniffed at Cas and nudged him. When Cas didn't move, Lemon started to howl.

Sam turned to Dean and cried into his chest. Dean wrapped his arms around Sam and held him close. He pulled Lemon over too, and the three of them cried together.

 He pulled Lemon over too, and the three of them cried together

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