Happy Valentine's Day

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Sam Winchester was a first grade teacher. He loved his job to death and wouldn't want to do anything else with his life.

Castiel Novak was the other fist grade teacher. He, like Sam enjoyed his job dearly and couldn't imagine doing anything else.

Cas and Sam were both good friends. They talked a lot during and out of school. Their classes sometimes merged together, whether it be for a free day, lesson, or some kind of movie.

The other teachers believed that they two were in a relationship, but when they asked either Cas or Sam about it, they were shocked to find out that they were wrong.

Little did everyone know, they were both crushing on each other.


Today was Valentines Day. The day of love.

Sam smiled and clapped his hands to get the attention of his class. "Alright everyone, listen up! Today, you're going to make Valentine cards! You can make more than one and you can make them for anyone! Let's get started!"


"Alright kids!" Cas smiled at his class. "Today is Valentine's Day, so you're all going to make cards! You can make them as pretty as you want and they can be for whomever you want them to be for! Let's get to work!"


Sam walked around the class, complimenting the kids on their cards. He was about to return to his desk, when a little girl named Lisa called his name.

"Mr. Winchester!"

Sam smiled and walked over to her. "Yes, Lisa?"

"Are you gonna make a card for Mr. Novak?"

Sam chuckled and tried to fight off the blush that started to appear on his cheeks. "I didn't plan on it."

The class gasped. A few of the girls ran over to him and started pulling him to a table.

"You have to make one for him!"


"We'll help you!"

Sam laughed. "Alright, alright! You guys can help me make him a card!"

The class cheered and got to work, helping Mr. Winchester.


Cas complimented the students on all their cards. He helped a few of them with their glitter and eventually walked back to his desk.

"Mr. Novak!"

Cas looked up to see who called his name and smiled when he saw Benny hurrying up to his desk. "Yes, Benny?"

"You have to make a card for Mr. Winchester!" Benny exclaimed as he grabbed his teachers hand and pulled him out his chair.

"I have to?"


Cas was pulled over to Benny's table with a few other students who helped him make a card for the teacher next door.


It was time for recess and time for Cas and Sam to exchange cards.

Neither one of them had any idea about the card that the other had for him.

Cas and Sam were both pulled over to each other by a few of their students.

"H-Hello Sam." Cas was suddenly really nervous.

Sam was nervous as well. "Hey, C-Cas."

Their students gently nudged their teachers, who both gulped.

"I, um, have something for you, Sam."

"I do too, Cas."

At the same time, they both held out their cards. Their eyes widened when they saw the card in the others hand.

With small blushes, they took each other's cards and opened them. They laughed when a crap ton of glitter fell from their cards.

Cas smiled at Sam's card, that read: You're cute. I'm cute. Let's go out tonight. 7 ish?

Sam smiled at Cas' card, that read: I think you're cute. Wanna go out with me tonight?

"Well, Mr. Novak?!"

"Mr. Winchester, are you gonna go?!"

Cas and Sam looked at each other, smiling and blushing.

"Well, I'm free tonight. Are you, Mr. Winchester?"

"I am as well, Mr. Novak."

"Then, sure. I'll go out with you tonight."

"And I'll go out with you as well."

Their classes squealed and ran off to go share the good news, leaving the two teachers.

"Is seven good for you, Cas?"

"That's fine, Sam."

"Alright, I'll pick you up at your house."

"Sounds good."

Soooooooooo tempted to turn this into an actual story. Granted, it'll be short, but... *shrug*

Comment if I should!

While you guys are deciding, I'll be writing part two to this. ;)

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