Marry Me

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"Dean, I need a favor."

"What is it Sammy?"

"I need to borrow the Impala."

"Hell. No."

"Please, Dean? It's really important!"


"Because I... WannaproposetoCasandneedtomakeitspecial."


Sam sighed. "I wanna propose to Cas, and I need to make it special."

"Aww! Sammy, that's cute!"

"Shut up, Dean!"

"Fine, you can borrow baby. You two better not do the frick frack in my car."


"I mean it!"


~That Night~

Sam and Cas were sitting in baby and were on their way to the restaurant that Sam planned to propose at.

When they go to the restaurant though, they found out it was closed, due to... health reasons.

Sam and Cas both gagged at the thought and climbed back into baby.

"Sorry, Cas. We can go somewhere else to eat."

"Okay, Sam."

Sam smiled over at him before he started driving again.

While looking for another restaurant, it suddenly started raining.


"Sam, maybe we should just go home... It's getting bad."

Sam opened his mouth to protest, but knew Cas was right. He sighed and nodded, then turned the car around.

About halfway home, baby suddenly stopped. Sam steered her to the side of the road. "What the hell?" He looked at the fuel gage and his jaw dropped.


Sam punched the steering wheel, causing Cas to jump.

"S-Sam? What's wrong?"

"They one night I needed everything to go right, nothing did!"

"What do you mean, Sam?"

"I was gonna propose to you, Cas! While we were eating, but the restaurant was closed! Then it started raining, so I was just gonna do it when we got home! But looks like we're not getting fucking home!"

"Well... Why not do it now?"


Cas had a small smile on his face. "Ask me now."

Sam smiled lightly and reached into his pocket. His smile fell when he didn't feel the little box. He reached into his other pocket and then groaned. "I lost the ring! Of course I did!" He dropped his head on to the steering wheel. "Cas, I'm so sorry..."

"Sam, look at me."

Sam lifted his head and looked at Cas.

"Sam, I don't need a ring. I don't need a fancy date either. You can just ask me. No matter how you propose to me, I'll always love you."

"Cas... Really?"

"Yes, Sam. Really."

"Well... Castiel, will you marry me?"

"Yes, Sam. I'll marry you."

Sam smiled and pulled Cas into a deep kiss. Cas smiled and wrapped his arms around Sam's neck. They two kissed and kissed until Sam needed to breathe, so he pulled away.

Sam rested his forehead on Cas' and looked deep into his eyes. "I love you, Castiel Winchester."

Cas smiled and pecked his lips. "And I love you, Samuel Winchester."

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