The Great Escape... That Failed

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Drawn by the magnificent, Castiel-0!! :3

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Drawn by the magnificent, Castiel-0!! :3


Cas let out a quiet groan as he opened his eyes. He looked around the little dungeon he was in and sighed. Fuck, I'm still here..

Cas had been caught by some... very dangerous people. He had information that they wanted and they were gonna get it from him.

Unless he could escape.

But he knew that might not work.

So for the meantime, he sat, developing a plan.

He heard footsteps approaching the dungeon door and he stood up, ready to try to fight.

The door clicked and slowly opened, revealing a tall man with very long brown hair and hazel eyes.

Cas narrowed his eyes at the man as he stepped in and closed the door behind him. He noticed the man was carrying something, but couldn't tell what. "What do you want?" He asked, trying to sound intimidating.

"I was told to bring you food." The man answered softly.

Cas then realized how hungry he actually was. He looked down at the food and licked his lips. He remembered the restraints around his wrists and growled down at them. "How am I supposed to eat?!"

"I'll have to... feed you."

"Or uncuff me!"


Cas jumped a bit at his tone. He narrowed his eyes at him, noticing the slightly scared expression on his face. He nodded and sat down.

The man crossed over to him and sat in front of him. He picked up the little pastry and held it up to Cas.

Cas took a big bite out of it and leaned his head back against the wall behind him. He ate it, happy to get something in his stomach.

"I'm Sam."

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