Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

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Today is just shitty. A big 'ol pile of shit. Sam thought as he sat down on a park bench. He put his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

First, he wakes up and lets his cute little Corgi, Matthew, out to use the bathroom, when a car hit him. And kept driving.

Secondly, he goes to his girlfriend of two years house, Mariah, hoping that she would cheer him up, but nope. He found her in bed with another man.

And, the icing on the cake was when he went to work and immediately got fired. They had found someone else that could do his job better.

So, that's how Sam wound up here. Sitting on a park bench, in a pool of pity.

He failed to notice the raindrops starting to fall on his head until it started pouring down rain.

He lifted his head and gave the sky his puppy dog eyes. "Really? Thanks. I totally needed this." He didn't move though. Just sat there, the look still on his face.

After a few minutes, his clothes were drenched and he was shaking. Yet, he still didn't move.

A couple of more minutes later, Sam suddenly realized that it had stopped raining.

Only above him.

He looked up and saw a black umbrella above him and handsome man with beautiful blue eyes standing above him, a concerned look on his face.

"Hello... Are you ok?"

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He just sighed and looked back down.

"You're shaking... Please, come with me. I think I have a pair of clothes you can change into."

"N-No... I'll be fine."

"I can't just leave you. Please, come with me. I know a little coffee shop right up the road that we could go to. I'm not gonna take no for an answer."

Sam sighed and nodded. He stood up and the he watched as the man's eyes widened. "W-What?"

"You're... Way taller than I thought! You'll have to hold the umbrella." He held the umbrella out to Sam.

Sam blushed lightly and took it. He held it above both of them and they started to walk rather quickly.

Like the man said, the coffee shop was really close. They stood under the awning and closed the umbrella before walking in.

"Wait here!" The man said before hurrying through the door marked Employees Only.

He works here? Sam thought before looking around. He spotted the bathroom and before he could make a move to it, blue eyes came back out and went over to him.

"Here you go." He handed Sam the bag. "There's sweatpants, a t-shirt, hoodie, and a towel in there."

Sam smiled lightly and took the bag. "Thank you."

The guy smiled brightly. "You're welcome! Now, go! You're still shivering!" He gave Sam a little nudge in the direction of the bathroom.

Sam smiled lightly and walked to the bathroom. He went into one of the stalls and began to dry off and change.

When he was done, he looked at himself in the mirror. The shirt was a little tight on him, but it showed off his muscles. He didn't put on the hoodie right away. He was gonna save that for before he left.

He placed the towel on his head and shoved his wet clothes into the bag. He started rubbing his head dry as he walked out the bathroom.

He saw the guy sitting in a booth by the window with two cups on the table. He looked up and beckoned Sam over when he noticed him

Sam walked over to him and sat across from him. He smiled at the man. "I can't thank you enough for this."

"It's no problem. Please, drink. I didn't know what kind of coffee you liked, so I made you a black one."

"That's actually exactly how I take my coffee." Sam smiled and picked up the cup. He took a small sip and furrowed his eyebrows.

The guy blushed a bit. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice... I put a bit of whiskey in it, if that's ok? I can go make you another-"

'"No, this is perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?"


They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Weird how they knew nothing about each other, but were comfortable with each other.

"Oh, I'm Castiel, by the way. But, please call me Cas." He smiled at Sam.

"Castiel? That sounds like an angels name."

Cas' cheeks turned a dark red. He looked down at his coffee cup with a small smile.

Sam smiled at the blushing angel. "I'm Sam."

Cas looked up and smiled at him. "Nice to meet you, Sam."

"You too, Cas."

"So, um... Why were you sitting in the rain? If you don't mind me asking?"

"It's fine. Well, today was pretty much a crappy day. My dog died... girlfriend cheated on me... then I lost my job. Then it started raining and, I just decided to sit there. My day was already fucked up, so." He shrugged a bit.

Cas gently put his hand on top of Sam's. "I'm sorry to hear that, Sam."

"Yeah, well, it's life."

The two kept talking, learning more about each other.

They talked until the rain had let up and was nothing more than a drizzle.

Sam finished his coffee and put the cup aside. He grabbed a napkin and pen that happened to be sitting there and scribbled down his number.

"Call me and let me know when you're working, so I can bring your clothes back." He pushed the napkin over to Cas.

Cas smiled and picked it up. "I will. Are you sure you're gonna walk? I can bring you home."

"I'll be fine. It's just drizzling." Sam pulled the hoodie on as he spoke. "Thanks for everything, Cas. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Sam." Cas mentally pouted as Sam's muscles got covered up.

They both stood. Cas took their empty cups and Sam picked up the bag.

"See ya later, Cas."

"Bye, Sam."

Sam put the hood on, then left the shop, waving at Cas as he passed the window.

Honestly, this day wasn't as shitty as he thought it was.

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