HMU Sometime! <3 Cas

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"Dean, I can't thank you enough for this!" Sam exclaimed over the phone.

Dean chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. You're welcome, Sammy. Hope you enjoy the show. Call me when you're about to leave."

"I will! Bye, Dean!"

"Bye, Sammy."

Sam hung up his phone and smiled brightly at the line in front of him.

Dean had gotten him a ticket to go see his favorite singers concert, Castiel Novak.

Not to mention, Dean also got him FUCKIN BACKSTAGE PASSES!

Sam sighed happily and bounced a bit on his heels. He wanted, no, needed the line to go faster!

When he finally got to the front of the line, he handed the guy his ticket and went in.

Sam looked around dreamily. He started walking around, visiting the different booths filled with merch.

He felt like a total fangirl.

He eventually made his way to where the concert would be held. He found a good spot to stand and excitedly waited for it to begin.

When it did begin, and Castiel came out, Sam almost passed out right there.

He was a mere feet away from his idol!

He kept his composure and happily sang along with Cas.

Once the concert part was over, Sam made his way to the line that would lead backstage.

He waited and waited, and finally, it was his turn to go in.

Nervously, he walked in and was immediately greeted by Castiel.

"Hey! How are ya?"

With a small blush, and smile, Sam answered back. "I'm good! And you?"

"I'm doing great! So, you got something you specifically want me to sign?"

Dumbassssss. You didn't bring anything to sign! "Uh, well, cand you just sign my arm?"

Cas laughed and nodded. "Sure! What's your name?" He picked up his sharpie and Sam held out his arm.

"My name is Sam."

Cas nodded and signed Sam's arm.

Sam smiled at it. "Thank you!"

"No problem! Here, since that'll wash off..." Cas turned around and grabbed a CD. He signed it and turned back around, then held it out to Sam. "Here ya go!"

"Wow, thanks a lot!"

"You're welcome, Sam! See ya around!"

"Bye!" Sam walked out and the next person went in. He hurried to his car, eager to get home and show Dean.

He got in the car and sighed happily. He looked down at the CD Cas gave him, checking to see what he signed.

His eyes widened in surprise.

You're cute! HMU sometime!
<3 Cas

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