Motel Love? Maybe? No?

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"Is everything alright, Sammy?" Dean asked from over the phone.

Sam listened to him sneeze a few times before answering. "Yes Dean. Everything is fine. We finished the hunt and are leaving in the morning. We're too tired to head out now."

"Alright. Alright. Anything interesting happened?"

"No.. We did have to find a new motel."

"What? Why?"

"Cas may or may not have smited the woman behind the counter.."

"IT WAS PURELY FOR SELF DEFENSE!" Cas yelled from the bathroom, making Sam snicker.

Dean sighed, then started coughing. "I don't even want to know," he said after he finished coughing.

Sam laughed softly. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Just peachy," Dean muttered sarcastically.

The older Winchester had suddenly come down with the flu the day before they were supposed to leave for a hunt. They postponed the hunt for a few days until more killings had started to happen. By that point, Dean was feeling a bit better, but Sam still made him stay home while Cas and he took care of the wendigo.

"Well, go get some rest, Dean."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever mom. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Dean."

"Bye Sammy."

Sam hung up the phone and smiled lightly. He looked over at the single bed in the room, sighing to himself. He had refused to tell Dean that they had to share a bed. If Dean had known, he would probably make fun of him for life. Dean knew of the crush Sam had on Cas and kept trying to get the two together, but nothing worked. Cas was too oblivious to notice that his best friend was setting him up with his brother.

Sam put his phone on charge and took off his clothes, only leaving on his boxers. As soon as he got under the blanket, Cas walked out the bathroom.

Cas gave Sam a small smile and got under the covers with him. The two put their backs to each other, said good night, and fell asleep.

About halfway through the night, Cas had woke up for no reason. He yawned lightly and checked the time on the alarm clock next to the bed. As soon as he moved, he felt a bulge pressed against his ass. He narrowed his eyes in confusion and pushed back against it.

There was a small grunt in his ear, making him turn his head. "Sam?" He asked quietly. When he didn't receive a response, he slowly turned over.

He saw Sam facing him, sleeping soundly. He looked under the blanket and saw the bulge in Sam's boxers. His eyes widened slightly as the sleeping Sam moved his hips, rubbing his bulge against his thigh.

Biting his lip, trying not to giggle, he softly placed a kiss on Sam's lips and turned back over. Oh Sam. You horny bastard you.

Cas fell back to sleep, pushing back against Sam's crotch, teasing the boy in his sleep.

The next morning when they woke up, neither one of them asked questions or said anything about the night before. Sam didn't question why he had cum in his boxers and Cas didn't tel him what had happened.


Shitty ending, I know. But, I wanted to save some of the mystery, y'know?

I was totally gonna make this full of smut, but that would've been three smuts in a row.

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