I Don't Want To Lose You

978 41 2

Cas grimaced as he stitched up the deep gash in Sam's side. "I told you to be careful, did I not? I am no longer an angel, Sam. I cannot heal you," he said in a stern voice as he pulled the thread through the wound.

Sam sighed softly then winced when Cas poured Whiskey on the wound. "I know, I know. I'm sorry," he muttered. "I was only thinking about helping that family..."

Cas shook his head and paused for less than a second before continuing. "Sam... I understand that it's your job to protect the people in danger, but... you have to look out for yourself too. You can't just not think about yourself while hunting. What if something worse would have happened to you?"

"Cas, I..."

"And how do you think I would feel if you got seriously hurt and died? How would Dean feel?" He finished stitching Sam's wound just as his eyes started to get blurry with tears. He put away the needle and thread before cleaning it and putting a bandage over it.

Sam opened his mouth to reassure Cas that he'd always be with him, but saw him pass by him and go into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He could have sworn he saw a tear or so run down his cheeks.

He sighed and chugged some of the alcohol left in the bottle. Holding his side, he walked to the bathroom door and sighed, jiggling the handle of the door, frowning when he found it locked. "Cas, please... Open the door."

There was a bit of movement in the bathroom before the door opened. Cas looked down at his feet and very softly, whispered, "I don't want to lose you..."

Sam wrapped his arms around Cas silently. He held him close as he started to cry a little harder. "I'm not going anywhere any time soon, Cas. I promise you. I'll always be with you forever."


"I promise."

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