Hey There, Cas

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Hey there, Cas.

I don't know if you'll even respond to this letter, but it's worth a try, right? You're probably thinking, "Why is he sending me a letter?" Just because we broke up doesn't mean I can't check on you, right?

Anyway, I hope you're doing alright in your apartment. I know it might be a bit new to you, but I know you can handle it. :)

You've probably already figured out why I'm actually writing you...

I wanted to tell you, that I miss you, like a lot.

I understand if you don't miss me, (who would ever miss me?) But, I just wanted you to know that I miss you and... I still love you.

You'll probably find someone else by the time I work up the courage to send you this letter, and I apologize if my confession caused conflict between you and your new person.

I, uh... Shit, it sounds like I'm talking to you out loud and not through letter.

I just... really, really miss you. I miss everything about you... Your smile... laugh... hair. Just, everything.

I love you, Cas. I always have and always will.

I'll see you... whenever, I guess.

Love, Sam

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