The Ferris Wheel Accident

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Another one for beb, GodhatesRach


Sam felt as if he should change his name to 'Third Wheel' 'cause it seems like that's the only thing he's ever been.

When he invited his friend to go to the amusement park with him, he didn't think he would bring his girlfriend along.

So here they were, waiting in like to get on the Ferris Wheel. There was a bit of commotion behind them, but he didn't turn around to be nosy. He tuned in and out of the conversation, piecing things together. It sounded like someone was being forced to get on the ride.

His turn came and he got into the seat, a youngerish boy with jet black hair getting put next to him. The guy working the station put the bar down in front of them, then the ride moved.

The rest of the riders got on and the ride officially started. Sam notices that as they got closer to the top, the boy next to him would grip the bar tighter. The ride kept moving and when their cart was precisely at the top, it suddenly stopped, causing the cart to sway, and the boy to whimper.

Sam looked over the edge and saw the worker freaking out. Oh no... It must've stopped working... He leaned back in his seat and turned his head to the boy, opening his mouth to speak, but didn't when he saw what condition the boy was in.

The boy was shaking and had a few tears falling from his closed eyes, his breathing was shallow. He was gripping the bar so tightly, that his knuckles where completely white.

Sam realized what was wrong with him. He was having a panic attack. Having dealt with them himself before, he knew what he should do. Barely rocking the cart, he scooted closer to the boy and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into his chest. "Everything's going to be fine," he whispered softly as he rubbed the boy's back. He didn't care if he was a stranger. This boy needed someone right now, and Sam was the only person there.

The boy let go of the bar and clutched Sam's shirt in his fists, sobbing heavily and still shaking.

After a few minutes or so, Sam noticed him not sobbing anymore, but he was still shaking. "Hey, can you hear me?" The trembling boy nodded against his chest. "What's your name?" Sam asked softly.

"C-Ca-Castiel..." He whispered, pulling away from Sam a little.

Sam smiled nicely. "Castiel? That's different. I like it. My name is Sam. Nice to meet you."

"N-Nice to meet y-you too.."

Sam noticed that his shaking had started to stop. He still kept holding the boy though.

"I-I'm sorry..." Cas suddenly choked out.

"For what?"

"For... this..."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. These things happen. It's OK."

Cas stayed silent, but pulled away from Sam. He started to turn his head, but Sam gently grabbed his face, stopping him. "Don't look away from me," Sam said softly.

Cas nodded and gulped a little, keeping his eyes on him. Sam reached up, and using the end of his sleeves, he wiped Cas' tears away. "Wh-Why are you being so n-nice?" He asked quietly.

"Because, I know what it's like to have a panic attack. I didn't want you to have to go through that alone like I had to before."

Cas started to smile. "T-Thank you... You're the first stranger that I've met that's helped me through one before... I appreciate it."

Sam smiled and hugged him again. "You're welcome, Castiel." He noticed the ride had started to slowly move again. "If you don't mind me asking..."

"Why did I get an attack?"


"I'm really afraid of heights... but my brothers forced me to get on. I knew that it was the only way to get them to leave me alone about my fear.."

Sam sighed and hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry that they would do something like that.."

Cas chuckled. "They're dicks. It's just how they are."

Sam smiled lightly and looked to see where they were. He looked down at Cas. "Look where we are."

Cas lifted his head and looked, noticing they were almost off. He smiled a bit and pulled away from Sam again. He took a quick glance around, looking for his brothers. He saw them standing off to the side.

Their cart got to the bottom and the worker lifted their bar, apologizing for the ride breaking down. Sam and Cas got off and walked away from the ride. They paused and looked at each other, smiling lightly.

"Hey, um, do you wanna go walk around with me?" Sam asked softly, blushing darkly.

Cas nodded. "Sure, Sam. Just, no more rides, please."

"Of course. No rides."

The two intertwined hands and started to walk away from the Ferris Wheel, a new relationship blooming.

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