Thunder Storms

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Thunder storms were the worst.

Well, to Sam they were anyway.

It was around two in the morning when the storm actually started.

Sam was sitting in the library, reading his book when the loud crack of thunder startled him.

No... No not this...

He put his book down and started to haul ass back to his room. He felt a bit childish for doing so, but he's always been afraid of thunder storms, even when he was younger.

He made it to his room, but another crack of thunder made him jump. He took a step towards Dean's room, but decided against it, knowing his brother would tease him mercilessly for wanting to stay with him.

So, he changed directions and went to Cas' room. As soon as he made it to the door, it opened, revealing a bushy haired Cas. Sam looked at him with wide eyes as Cas titled his head.

"Sam? Are you alright?"

"I, uh..."

Cas heard the loud boom of thunder, then saw Sam visibly stiffened. He immediately knew what was wrong. He gently took Sam's hand and pulled him into his room.

Sam blushed lightly. He was embarrassed and ashamed. "Cas, I'm sorry.."

Cas shook his head as he closed the door. "Sam, it's okay." He pulled Sam to his bed and forced him to lay down, then got in next to him.

Sam turned on his side and buried his head in Cas' chest. He was still embarrassed, but felt at ease. "Thank you, Cas.."

"You're welcome, Sam." Cas put his arm around Sam, then softly kissed his head. "Rest, Sammy. I'll be right here for you."

Sam fell asleep shortly after Cas spoke. Cas held him close and softly rubbed his back.

A while later, Dean woke up just as thunder sounded. He immediately thought of his Sammy and jumped up. He ran to Sam's room and opened the door. He didn't see Sam and started to get worried.

He hurried down the hall to Cas' room. Maybe the angel knew where his brother was.

Dean opened the door and was about to talk, but stopped and sighed lightly when he saw Sam and Cas curled up together, sleeping soundly.

Smiling lightly, Dean closed the door and went back to his own room. He dropped on to his bed and fell back to sleep, knowing that his little brother was safe.

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