Sammy's Gift

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It was the day before Christmas (Christmas Eve) and Castiel had been looking for a good present to give to Sam for Christmas, but he couldn't find anything.

He reflected on past gifts that he's given him.

For his birthday, Cas gave him some of his grace in a bottle that Sam frequently wore as a necklace.

For Easter, Cas had got him the motorcycle he'd been wanting for a while.

For last Christmas, Cas had simply gave him a good, hard, and long fuck.

And he catered to his every need that day.

He thought about giving it to him again, but decided against it. He wanted to do something different.

So, here he was, walking along and glancing inside different stores, when he stumbled upon a pet shop.

Hey! I can get him a pet! Fuck whatever Dean says about it! Yeah!!

~Christmas Morning~

Sam woke up and yawned. He got out of bed and saw a note taped to his mirror.

Come downstairs!
Love, Cas

Sam smiled again and walked out their room. He did as the note said and went downstairs.

"Cas?" He called out when he didn't see him.

He sighed, then suddenly perked up when he heard a yip. He looked around, then gasped.

Sitting in a basket, with a bow around its neck, was a small beagle. It was looking at Sam with its head tilted and was wagging its tail.

Sam walked over and kneeled down in front of it. "Hey, buddy..." He gently rubbed its head and smiled.

He looked at all the stuff that was in the basket along with the dog.

He picked up the ball that was with it, took the bow from off of him, and lifted him out the basket.

"Here boy," he said softly before throwing the ball. He smiled and watched the dog run off to retrieve it.

Sam played with the dog for a little while. As he threw the ball again, he heard the flutter of wings behind him and turned around. He started to smile once he saw his angel. "Merry Christmas, Cas."

"Merry Christmas, Sam. Did you like your gift?"

"Yes, Cas! I loved it!" He jumped up and threw his arms around Cas, hugging him tightly. He suddenly picked him up and spun around with him.

Cas laughed the whole time and wrapped his arms around Sam's waist. When Sam stopped, they rested their foreheads against each other.

"Thank you so much, Cas."

"You're welcome, Sam. Did you name him?"

"No, not yet."

"Well do it!"

The two looked over at the dog as Sam thought of a name. "Hm... Lemon."



"Ok then."

Lemon yipped and started chasing his tail happily, causing Sam and Cas to laugh.

In all honesty, it was the best Christmas they've ever had.

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