3 A.M.

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Cas was woken up from his sleep by loud knocking at his apartment door. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his alarm clock.

3:23 A.M.

Who the fuck...? Cas thought as he got out his bed. Why is someone here at three in the morning?!

He slipped on his fluffy slippers and trudged out his room.

The knocking seemed to grow louder, so with a slight groan, he quickened his pace to the front door.

He got there and opened the door. His face turned into a complete bitch face, when he saw his boyfriend of two years, Sam Winchester, standing there with a big smile on his face. "Sam, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I couldn't come visit my boyfriend?" Sam asked as he kissed his head then pushed past him and into the apartment.

Cas rolled his eyes and shut the door. "You can come see me, just not at three in the morning!"

"At least I came and visited you!" He said with a smirk as he walked down the hall and to the bathroom.

Cas sighed and walked back to his room. He kicked off his slippers and climbed back into bed.

A few minutes later, Sam joined Cas in the bed and put his arm around him. They laid there, not talking and cuddling.



"You had a nightmare, didn't you?"

"Yeah... Yeah, I did."

Cas turned over to where he was facing Sam. He snuggled into his chest. "Don't worry. I'm right here for you."

"Thanks, Cas."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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