You Can See Them?

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The first time Sam had met Cas, he only noticed one thing about the angel.

His wings.

Sam always thought that everyone could see his wings, so he never spoke up about it.

Until one day, Sam, Dean, and Cas were in a motel doing research on a vampire they were hunting.

Sam was sitting across from Cas and was looking at his laptop. Cas had started talking to him, so he looked up to listen to what the angel was saying.

Dean came out of the bathroom while they were talking. He walked over to the sofa and plopped down.

"DEAN!! Watch out!!" Sam yelled at his older brother.

Dean jumped up. "What?! What is it?!"

"Dude, you almost sat on Cas' wings!"

"His wings?"

"My wings?"

Sam furrowed his brows and looked between the two. "Yeah... Can't you see them, Dean?"


"You can see my wings?" Cas still couldn't wrap his head around this. He'd heard of things like this, but...

"Yeah, I can. Can't everyone?"

"No, Sam, only people who I choose can see them... Dean, can I speak to your brother alone, please?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'll just go get some grub." He grabbed the keys to baby and walked out the room, closing the door behind him.

After a few seconds of silence, Cas looked at Sam. "Only... Certain types of people can see my wings. Angels and... My soulmate."


"Yes, Sam. I've only heard of a few cases where it was between an angel and human, but it can happen."

"S-So, I'm-We're-"

"Soulmates, Sam. We're soulmates."

Sam's jaw dropped, causing the corner of Cas' lip to curl up.

"I know it's a lot to take in, Sam, but-"

Sam leaned over the little table that was separating them and pressed his lips against Cas', closing his eyes.

Cas had never kissed anyone in his whole angelic life, so this was very, very new to him. But, it was almost as if his vessel took over and he suddenly knew what to do.

After a few minutes, they both pulled away, breathless. Sam smiled at Cas and Cas smiled back.

"Wow, Sam."

Sam chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "So, we're soulmates, huh?"


"I never would have thought..."

"What do you mean?"

"Cas, my soulmate, the person I'm destined to be with, is an angel! I never would have expected me, of all people, to have an angel as a soulmate."

Cas chuckled lightly and nodded. "I can see how it is a lot to take in." He stood and walked over to Sam. "I have to go. Heaven needs me. We'll talk later." He tilted Sam's head up and pressed their lips together.

Sam smiled when they pulled away. "Bye, Cas."

"Goodbye, Sam. Pray if you need me for anything."

"I will."

Cas smiled and in an instant was gone.

Sam leaned back in his chair even more, a big grin on his face. "Wow... My soulmate is an angel... Wow!"

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