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Sam and Cas had gotten into an argument over a week ago.

Neither of them had spoken to each other since.

They even made it a habit to go out of their way to avoid the other.

The only time they actually interacted with each other was when they really really had to.

Which wasn't often.

Dean was surprised they hadn't killed each other yet, in all honesty.

One day, Sam and Cas were alone in the Bunker, but they were no where near each other. Cas decided to stay in or near the kitchen while Sam chose the library.

In the middle of one of Sam's books, his stomach started to growl. He sighed and put down his book. He didn't want to go to the kitchen, but knew there was no way he could just not eat until Cas decided to go somewhere else. With another sigh, he got up and walked out the library.

Cas was in the kitchen, making a pb&j sandwich, and had his phone playing music, when he heard footsteps. He inwardly groaned when he remembered that only him and Sam were in the Bunker. So, he prepared himself for a confrontation.

Sam walked into the kitchen. He saw Cas out the corner of his eyes, but ignored him and headed for the fridge.

Cas took a bite out of his sandwich. He so badly wanted to speak to Sam, but decided that he could keep up this act for as long as Sam could.

The tension in the air was thick. Like, very thick. Y'know the expression, "The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife."?

Well, for this amount of tension, you needed a chainsaw.

Sam fixed his salad quickly. He frowned when he realized he was missing something.

What am I miss- Ah! Croutons!

Sam went over to the cabinet that the croutons were usually in. He frowned when he didn't see them. I just bought some! He thought as he closed the cabinet and turned around. That's when he spotted them.

Right next to Cas.

Sam glared at the bag for betraying him. He swallowed and walked over. He reached for them and almost had them, but...

Cas stopped that shit.

He picked up the bag as soon as Sam's hand grazed it.

"Oh, you petty son of a bitch." Sam glared at Cas.

Cas turned his head to him quickly. "Me?! Petty?! You're the one who's mad at me for eating the rest of your salad!"

"I told you I was saving it!"

"And I forgot!" Cas glared darkly at him and shoved the bag of croutons into Sam's chest. "Take your fucking croutons." He started to storm off.

Sam watched him walk off, anger evident on his face. He threw the bag down, then stormed after him.

Cas felt a hand come down on his shoulder and spin him around. He was about to yell at Sam, but got a pair of lips to his instead.

Sam and Cas narrowed their eyes at each other as they kissed. They pulled away for a few seconds, then smashed their lips back together.

Sam lifted Cas up by his hips and pressed him against the nearest wall.

Cas wrapped his legs around Sam's waist. He reached for the hem of Sam's shirt and started to pull it off.

They broke the kiss again and Cas finished pulling off Sam's shirt. Sam pretty much ripped Cas' shirt off of him.

"You make me mad, Castiel. Y'know that?"

"And you make me mad, Samuel."

Sam growled and started to nip and suck at Cas' neck. Cas leaned his head back and closed his eyes, moaning quietly. He tightened his legs around Sam's waist.

Sam smirked and shoved one hand into Cas' pants. He ran his thumb over Cas' tip, causing the small angel to moan louder.


"You have to tell me what you want, Cas. Tell Daddy what you want." Sam said as he removed his hand. He started to pull off Cas' pants.

Cas whined very quietly when Sam made him put down his legs. "I want your cock, Daddy. Please give it to me," he begged as his pants and boxers pooled around his feet. He kicked them off, not caring where they landed.

"You want me deep inside you, Cassie? Is that what you want?" Sam asked as he dropped his own pants and boxers.

Cas nodded and felt Sam lift his legs again. "Yes, Daddy. That's exactly what I want." His legs went around Sam's waist again.

Sam smiled and kissed him again. "Then, that's what you'll get." He pushed into Cas with a groan.

Cas moaned loudly as Sam started to thrust roughly into him. He was being lifted up higher on the wall with every thrust. He clawed at Sam's back, definitely leaving long scratches down his back.

But, it was only fair, because Sam was leaving plenty of hickeys and bruises on him.

"F-Fuck, Daddy, harder... faster..."

Sam listened to Cas' begging and thrusted harder and faster than he already was.

Cas was already close and felt as if Sam was too. His suspensions were confirmed when Sam's thrusts got sloppy and more erratic.

"Daddy... I'm g-gonna..."

"Cum for Daddy, Cas."

Cas screamed out Sam's name as he came on Sam's stomach. He came down from his high just as Sam came in him.

They both had a thin layer of sweat coating their body's and were panting heavily. Sam gently pulled out of Cas, but kept holding him. They looked at each other with dopey little smiles on their faces.

Cas gently placed his forehead on Sam's. "Let's not argue over stupid things anymore."

Sam chuckled and placed a small kiss on his lips. "I don't know man... If it leads to this, then we should argue more."

Cas rolled his eyes, but smiled. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you too, Cas."

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