Hair Stylist

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Sam was sitting on the floor in Cas' and his room, leaning against the bed and looking down at a book.

Cas sat on the bed behind Sam, with his hands in his hair. He had been looking up hair style tutorials on YouTube and wanted to try them out on Sam.

Right now, he was trying to do a french braid. Sam's hair wasn't as long as he needed it be for it, so he gave up that idea.

He clicked on another tutorial. This time, he needed a curling iron. With a snap of his fingers, one appeared in his hand. He got out the bed and went to the nearest outlet. He plugged it in and waited for it to warm up.

As he waited, he watched the tutorial on what to do and how to use a curling iron.

He smiled once he learned and got to work.

After half an hour, Cas turned off the curling iron and put it down on the little towel. He smiled at his work. "I am finished, Sam."

"Good, cause I gotta go piss." Sam got up and headed to their bathroom.

While waiting for Sam to finish, Cas picked up the things he had used.


Cas looked up towards the bathroom as Sam came out, slightly furious, but also amused.

"Cas, why is my hair pink?!"

"I thought it would look good."

"Cas, I can't walk around with pink hair!"

"It'll wash out, Sam. But, how do you like the curls?"

Sam sighed lightly. "I like them. You did a good job."

Cas beamed at the praise. "Really?"

"Yes, Cas. You did good."

That one praise had put Cas in a good mood for the rest of the day and night.

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