Genderbent || Part 2

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It's been a month since Sam was turned into a girl unexpectedly. She wanted to get out of this body and fast. She remembered the pain Jess went through when she had her period and didn't want to deal with that. If she would even have one.

On top of worrying about periods, she was also worried about these... feelings she's been having.

She's been feeling fatigued more. She's been wanting food, food, and more food. She's been really moody. And not to mention, she's been peeing a lot and throwing up sometimes.

"Hey, Sammy, you alright?" Dean asked as he watched Sam fix something to eat.

Sam gave him the bitchiest bitch face. "Yeah, Dean! I'm amazing! Being trapped in a woman's body is great!" She rolled her eyes and went back to her food.

"Geez, I was just asking..."

Sam huffed quietly. "Just leave me alone." She took her food and walked off.

Dean waited until she was out of earshot, and muttered, "Rawr."

A couple of days later, Dean watched as Sam booked it to the bathroom for the twentieth time that day. "Ok, I'm tired of this." He stood up and walked off, leaving a bewildered Cas behind.

When Dean came back, he had his laptop. He sat down next to Cas and opened up a new tab.

"Dean? What are you doing?"

"Aren't you curious as to what's wrong with Sam?"

Cas shrugged and nodded a bit. "Yes, I guess I am."

"Let's see... Why would someone be pissing a lot." Dean typed on the keyboard and hit enter.

A couple of searches came up, and all of them looked reasonable, except one.


"Dean, do you think-"

"No. Sam is not pregnant."

"But he is a woman right now..."

"But I'm sure you both didn't screw."

Cas looked away and rubbed his neck.

"Cas, you didn't."

Cas didn't respond.

"Did you at least use protection?"

"I had my angel blade."

"Fuck, my brother's pregnant."

"Technically, he's your sister right now..."

"Shut up, Cas!"

Even more days later, Dean had been doing his research and declared that Sam was pregnant. The mood swings... throwing up... pissing a lot.

So, he sent Cas to the store to get a box of pregnancy tests.

When he came back, Dean made him go get Sam to take one.

Cas hid the box behind his back and went to the room Sam and him shared.

Sam was sitting on their bed, reading a book that might help her change back.


Sam looked up and smiled when she saw Cas. "Hey, Cassie. What's up?"

"Well, um," he didn't know how to tell her, so he just told the truth. "Dean believes that you're pregnant and wants you to take one of these." He took the box out from behind his back.

Sam's eyes flashed dark for a minute, but she sighed and stood, knowing Dean wouldn't back down from this. She went and took the box from Cas and left to go to the bathroom.

Cas returned to Dean and nodded to him. Dean nodded back and leaned back in his chair.

About five minutes later, Sam walked out the bathroom and called for Cas.

"In here, Sam!"

Sam came in the room, holding the test in her hand.

"Well, Sammy? Are ya preggers or not?" Dean asked as he leaned forward in anticipation.

Sam looked at the test, then at the two. "Y-Yes."

Cas and Dean's jaws dropped. Sam was pregnant! Sam that was usually a man, is pregnant!

"O-Okay. I think I got an idea. Do you think that if we found a way to change you back, then you wouldn't be pregnant anymore?" Dean immediately grabbed his laptop again.

"But, Dean... I kinda wanna keep it... That is, if Cas wants to too..."

Dean froze and looked at Sam in bewilderment.

Cas looked over at Sam and smiled. "Yes, Sam, I would want to keep it. But, wouldn't you feel better in your own body?"

"Yeah, I would, but... I doubt I'll still be pregnant as a man."

Cas narrowed his eyes in thought. "Excuse me." He stood and was suddenly gone.

Sam turned away and started to leave. She thought that Dean would be mad at her for wanting to keep the baby.


Sam stopped in his tracks and looked back at him. "Yeah, Dean?"


"Thanks Dean."

Hours later, it was around two in the morning and Cas finally returned, but he had a visitor with him.

That goes by the name of Chuck.

Cas and Chuck walked into the room and saw Sam curled up on Cas' side of the bed.

Cas sat down on the other side and gently rubbed Sam's side. "Sam."

Sam's eyes fluttered opened and she turned on her side to see Cas. "Hey. Where have you been?"

"Getting help." Cas gently pulled Sam into his lap and stroked her hair. "Close your eyes."

Sam never noticed Chuck in the room. He did as he was told and shut his eyes.

Chuck then went to work, chanting things in different languages. The usual ritualish stuff.

When he was done an hour later, Sam was sleeping again.

"Thank you, father."

"You're welcome, Cas. He should be back to normal in the morning and he'll still have your child. If not, let me know."

Cas nodded and smiled. "Thank you again."

"Of course."

Cas blinked and Chuck was gone. He laid Sam on the bed and curled up next to her, falling asleep after a few minutes.

Sam woke up and yawned. He wiggled out of Cas' grip and walked to the bathroom, not noticing that he was back to normal.

He did notice when he got to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He gasped and ran back to their room. He started to shake Cas. "CAS!!"

Cas woke up and looked at Sam. "Hi, Sam."


Cas giggled. "Yes, Sam. I see."

"How did you do this?!"

"I had a little help from father. Now, go take the other pregnancy test."

Sam obeyed and hurried back out.

He came in five minutes later, smiling brightly. "I'm still pregnant!"

Cas smiled and opened his arms. Sam immediately went into them and they both hugged.

"We're gonna be fathers, Sam!"

"I know, Cas!"

There's gonna be a third part to this, fyi!

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