Broken Wings

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Sam watched as Cas walked through the Bunker, wings bony and almost featherless. The sight of Cas' wings made him flinch every time he saw them.

Cas had no idea that Sam could see his wings. He didn't realize that every pained look he made because of them, didn't go unnoticed by Sam.

The two were sitting in the library of the Bunker, reading, and listening to soft music. Cas looking down at his book while Sam stared at him. Well, his wings.

"Do they hurt?"

Cas whipped his head up and looked at Sam. "Excuse me?"

"Your wings... Do they hurt?"

Cas was about to comment on the fact that Sam could see them, but didn't. This was the first time anyone had asked about his poor wings. He sighed and nodded. "Yes... They were once beautiful wings and now... now they're horrible and leave me in constant pain..."

Sam gave Cas sad puppy eyes. "You poor angel..." He stood and squatted in front of Cas, pulling him into a hug. "Cas, your wings are still beautiful. No matter how they look, they'll always be beautiful."

"Sam, th-they're broken up... and just... horrible..."

"Broken wings won't hold you down. You're strong, Cas. I notice all the looks of pain on your face, but you still push through. You're amazing and your wings are amazing."

Cas hugged him back, trying to keep from crying. "Th-Thank you, Sam... Thank you so much."

Sam kissed his cheek softly. "You're welcome, Cas."

The two spent the rest of their alone time listening to music, Cas sitting in Sam's lap, and Sam holding him close and whispering about how beautiful him and his wings were.

dry your eyes now baby
broken wings won't hold you down
you'll take flight soon baby
you'll be lifted up
and you'll be there

Cas' used to be broken wings and the song Wings by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams inspired this.

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