Christmas Angel

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Cas smiled at the Christmas tree he had put up all by himself.

He knew how much Christmas meant to Sam and wanted to surprise him. He only had a couple more hours to get the Bunker decorated, so hhe started to rush.

He grabbed the Christmas lights and started to quickly wrap them around the tree, not paying attention to what he was doing.

Before he knew it, he had somehow wrapped himself up in the lights. Not the tree.

"Oh no..."

He struggled and struggled to try and get himself out, but didn't have any luck. He was just gonna have to wait until Sam got home...

When Sam did get home, Cas was sleeping on the floor, still tangled in lights. The sound of Sam's voice made him wake up.

"Cas! I'm home!"



Sam walked down the stairs and noticed the big tree first, then he started to smile. "Aww, Cas..." He got to the last step, then put his bag on the floor.

He stepped closer to the tree, and that's when he noticed his Christmas Angel. "Cas?"

"Hi Sam..."

Sam opened his mouth to say something, but all he could do is laugh. In the middle of his fit of laughter, he picked up the plug for the lights and plugged it into the wall.

When Cas started to glow, Sam laughed harder. He fell to his knees, laughing his ass off.

Cas gave Sam a bitch face before whining. "Saaaam. Please help me."

"O-Ok... Give me a minute!" Sam unplugged the lights, then started to unwrap Cas.

When he finished and Cas was up on his feet, he smiled up at him. "Why are you doing this, Cas?"

"I know how much you live Christmas and I wanted to surprise you."

"Oh, Cas." Sam stood and gently kissed his Angel. "Thank you, babe. Now, let's get to work."

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