What The Hell, Sam?

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Cas hovered over the smaller Winchester, his head buried in his neck and his dick 10 inches deep inside him.

Well, not exactly 10. More like...9.99 inches deep.

But that's beside the point.

Cas thrusted deep into Sam, grunting and moaning into his ear. He felt Sam shift and moan softly under him, then things got quiet, the only sound in the room being skin hitting skin.

When suddenly...


Cas furrowed his eyebrows and pulled away from Sam's neck. "What was-- ARE YOU FUCKING EATING CHIPS?!"

Sam gave him a sheepish look. "I got hungry..."


"Hunger has no patients."


"You can keep going, just hold on-" Sam took a few chips out the bag and threw it on the nightstand then wrapped his arms around Cas' neck, grinning as he chewed and swallowed. "You can keep going now."

"...You're lucky that I love you or I would be out the door right about now," Cas mumbled as he started to thrust into him again.

"I love you too, Cas."


Lol oops.

I saw this, this morning and started to laugh then thought about Sam and Cas, so this monstrosity happened.

I have a bunch of one shots that I need to work on. I have three that I thought of and am in the middle of writing and a couple that were requested.

Plus a new story and an old one I'm working on still.

Ah, busy body.

I'll try to get them published soon.

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