Cas' Story

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~This is in Cas' P.O.V~


So, when I was...younger, I wanted to experience what it was like on Earth for a teenage boy.

So, I found a suitable vessel and went to school.

I did everything I was supposed to. I went to school, did homework, hung out with friends, acted how my vessel did, you know. The usual.

Then one day, these two new boys walked into school and they were the center of attention. I didn't pay much attention to them. I just wanted to continue my little adventure.

I went to class and that's when I found out that one of the new boys was in a couple of my classes; science, history, and English.

He didn't talk much. Most, including me, thought he was mute.

Until one day, we got paired together for a science project. We had to go to each other's houses to work on it. That's when I met his brother. His brother was cool. Kind of a dick, but cool. *chuckles*

But, my partner and I got along well and soon we became friends. We were always with each other, we never left the others side.

Eventually we became a lot more than friends.

He was my first boyfriend and I was his.

It was...amazing to say the least. I loved him and he loved me. We were both kind of shy and we never really went past anything other than making out on his bed or mine, but it was still perfect.

Then everything went downhill.

He called me up late one night, crying and saying that he and his family were leaving the next morning. So I rushed to where he was staying and we sat in the back of his dad's car, both of us heartbroken and crying.

We...we made love that night. In the back of the car. *chuckles sadly* We fell asleep in the backseat, wanting to spend our last night together.

The next morning, we woke up to his brother telling us that they were about to leave. We pulled away from each other and kissed one last time, promising to meet up again one day.

I trudged home and laid in bed, heartbroken beyond belief. I decided that...I couldn't stay. I had to leave. So I left my vessel and went back to heaven.

Honestly, the boy probably doesn't remember any of this.

Many, many years later, I met the boy again and I have to admit; he changed big time.

He wasn't the baby-faced boy I had known in high school. He was...was...just wow. I fell in love with him all over again.

And now, a few years later, I'm glad to call that boy my husband. *smiles*

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