C'mere Patches!

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Castiel walked down the street, calling for his dog, Patches. The 11 year old had lost his dog a few minutes earlier and was worried about her since it was getting late. He sighed and stopped walking, tears starting to come to his eyes. "Patches!" He called out again as his tears started to fall.

He sniffed and rubbed his eyes, trying not to cry on the middle of the sidewalk. There was a shuffle beside him and he turned quickly, thinking tha t it was Patches, but instead got greeted by a pair of legs. His eyes widened as he looked up at the tall man.

The man squatted down to his height and gave him a small smile. "Hey buddy. What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I-I lost my dog," Cas replied with a sniffle.

The man smiled softly and stood up again. "Well, I'll help you find your doggy, alright?"


"Of course!"

Cas started to smile. "Thank you!"

The man smiled and held his hand out to Cas who took it. After Cas told him what Patches looked like and what color collar she was wearing, they started walking down the sidewalk, looking for the border collie.

"What's your name?" The man asked nicely.

"Castiel. But everyone calls me Cas."

"Aw. Nice to meet you Cas. I'm Sam."

Cas smiled up at him. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Sam!"

The two walked down the sidewalk, calling for Patches. The sun started to set, making them search quicker.

Sam saw a dog walking down the sidewalk away from them and let go of Cas' hand. "Stay right here, alright?"

Cas nodded, then watched as Sam ran after the dog.

Sam caught up to it and gently grabbed its collar and looked at it. "Same collar... it's a girl... and a border collie," he said to himself and smiled. "Patches, Cas is very worried about you girly."

At the mention of Cas, Patches started wagging her tail, making Sam chuckle and smile. "Alrighty, girly." He stood up and picked up the dog, then carried her back to Cas.

Cas gasped softly as Sam put the dog down in front of him. "Patches!" He reached out for the dog and hugged her.

Patches licked Cas happily and yipped at him.

Sam grinned. "C'mon you two. We should get you both home before it gets dark."

Cas nodded and let go of Patches, then took Sam's hand again.

The three of them walked back, Cas leading them to his house.

"Castiel!! Where are you?!"

Cas smiled at the sound of his dad's voice and they got closer. When they got into view, Cas' dad noticed them and hurried over. "Castiel, where have you been?"

"Patches had ran away from me and Mr. Sam helped me find her!"

Cas' father looked up at Sam and gave him a small smile. "Thank you for helping him. I'm Chuck Novak." He held out his hand.

Sam smiled. "It was no problem. I'm Sam Winchester." He shook Chuck's hand firmly.

They talked for a few minutes before they had to go. Cas gave Sam another hug. "Thank you again for helping me find Patches!"

Sam him hugged back. "You're welcome, Cas."

Cas let him go and followed his dad inside while Sam started walking back to his own house.

10 years later, the now 30 year old Sam Winchester was still living in the same house. Everything about him was the same, except for his hair, which had gotten a lot longer.

One afternoon, he was reading a book when there was a knock at the door. He placed his bookmark in his book and stood up from the couch.

Stretching, he walked to the front door and opened it. He looked down at the man in a trench coat with blue eyes and black hair. "Um, hello."

"Hi, Mr. Sam."

Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "Do I know you?"

"Of course you do. Remember when I lost my dog?" The man smirked when Sam's eyes widened.


"In the flesh. I never properly thanked you for helping me find her." Cas said as he stepped closer to him.

"You-You said thank you."

"Thank you's are so overrated, don't you think? Now since I'm... older I can finally thank you." Cas smirked before leaning up and pressing his lips against Sam's.

Sam's eyes widened as Cas kissed him and pushed him into the house. What the- how did he- WHAT?

Cas kicked the door closed behind him and kissed Sam deeper, sneaking his tongue into his mouth.

Sam closes his eyes and moaned softly against him. He suddenly pulled away and opened his eyes. "C-Cas, I- I'm not gay?" He said, questioning himself.

Cas smirked and softly nipped at his jaw. "Stop questioning yourself."


"How bout you let me help you figure it out?"


"Are you gonna let me, Mr. Sam?"


"Good. Now just relax and let me show you how to have a good time."


No, Sam is not a pedo.

If you did the math, Cas is 21, making him 💯 percent legal.

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