O Romeo, Romeo!

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For mah beb, GodhatesRach


Castiel Novak was the drama teacher of St. Augustine High School. He doesn't exactly remember what made him want to pursue a career in drama, but it somehow happened.

All of Cas' classes had admitted that they really enjoyed his class. It was a comfortable environment and he was able to get people out of their shells.

His second block drama class was currently reading about Romeo and Juliet, cause who doesn't love a good Shakespeare tragedy filled with enough drama to last a lifetime? And because of the curriculum, Cas was forced teach it.

"No, no, no! Adam, but more feel into it!" Cas stopped his class once again and sighed. His students weren't using as much feel as they should when reciting the play.

Adam groaned. "Mr. Novak, I'm trying!"

"Thou aren't trying hard enough," Cas said before sighing softly. "I will show you how to do it, but first, I need to go and get someone. I will return in a moment." He started to walk out the door, but paused. "Do not destroy the class." He then left and quickly hurried down the hall to the history teacher's room.

Sam Winchester. One of St. Augustine's history teachers. He loved his job to death. He never thought that this would be what he was doing with his life, considering how he originally went to college for law, but changed after his second year.

He was in the middle of teaching his class about World War II when there was a knock at the door. He rolled his eyes as he walked over, thinking it was one of the principles. When he opened the door, he smiled a bit at the shorter teacher in front of him. He stepped out the room and closed the door behind him. "What is it, Cas?"

"I need your help with a play," Cas said quietly, not wanting to disturb the other teachers down the hall.

Sam groaned softly. "Why? Can't you get another teacher to do it?"

Cas crossed his arms and started to pout. "I want my husband to act it out with me."

"What is it?"

"Romeo and Juliet."

"...I'll do it." The thought of his husband acting out Romeo and Juliet with another teacher made him a bit angry.

Cas grinned. "Thank you, Sam. I'll make it up to you at home," he quickly pecked Sam on the lips before turning and walking back to his class.

Sam smirked before going back into his class. "Alright guys, change of plans. We're going on the field trip." He gathered his students before they headed out to Cas' class.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Cas and Sam are married, but have different names?" To clarify, Cas is a Winchester, by law, but he decided to keep using his own last name at school. They both found it funny how they were married, but no other teacher, student, or principles knew.

Sam lead his class down the hall to Cas' room, then ushered them inside. Cas' students looked at Sam's class in confusion, but accepted whatever was happening. Sam's students took seats in the open desks and watched the two teachers.

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