Jag Alskar Dig

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Sam was reading a book while waiting for Dean to come back with their supplies.

Cas was discreetly looking at Sam from across the table. He cleared his throat and stood. "I shall return later, Sam."

"Alright, Cas. See ya later."

"Goodbye, Sam... Wa ga ei li."

"Wha-" Before Sam could finish his word, Cas was gone.

He just shrugged it off and went back to his book.

About a week later, the three boys were sitting in a motel. They had just finished a case and decided to pull out in the morning.

Dean was taking a show. Sam, having already taken his, was getting ready to go to sleep.


Cas looked over at Sam. "Yes, Sam?"

"Are you staying the night?"

"No, I cannot. I have something to do with heaven. Why?"

"Just asking."

"Ah. Alright."

They two fell into a comfortable silence, Sam in his bed, and Cas sitting in a chair.

Sam was halfway asleep when he felt a presence close to him. It put him on high alert, but he kept his eyes closed and breathing steady.

He suddenly felt his hair being pushed from his head. "Jag alskar dig." A pair of lips pressed against his forehead, the hand moved away, then the presence was gone.

Sam opened his eyes and looked around. He noticed Cas was gone and sighed softly, then fell back on his bed and went to sleep.

A couple days later, Sam noticed Cas kept saying something to him, just in different languages. Every time Sam asks him about it, Cas would always make up some small lie about what he was saying.

Over the days, Sam would write down (or try to write) some of the things he would say.

Ya tebya liubliu.

Tsi ge yu i

Wo ai ni

And those were just a few that he would wrote. One that Cas had said, Sam actually understood.

Te amo.

Sam had started to translate everything else, and was surprised to learn that they all meant the same thing.

I love you.

Sam looked at his piece of paper with shock. There's no way that's what he's saying... Is it?

Later that same day, Sam had saw Cas, but before he could say anything about it, Cas would always leave him.

So he developed a plan.

Late that night, after Dean was asleep, Sam had snuck to the dungeon with holy oil, water, and matches.

He poured the oil in a circle, then hid the can and the water. Holding the matches behind his back, he sent a prayer to Cas.

A few seconds later, Cas appeared in the middle of the circle. "Hello Sa-"

Sam struck a match and dropped it.

The circle around Cas burst into flames, causing Cas' eyes to widen and look around. "Sam?!" He looked at Sam with hurt in his eyes. "Why did-"

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

Sam put the box of matches down and crossed his arms. "At first I never knew what you were saying. 'Jag alskar dig.' 'Wo ai ni.' But then you said something I did understand. 'Te amo.' I love you. So, is it true?"

"I... Sam... Yes, it's true. I love you, Sam, but I never knew how to tell you." Cas looked away from Sam with a sigh.

Sam picked up the water and started to put out the flames. Cas watched him, curious, but worried because he didn't say anything.

When Sam finished, he stepped closer to Cas. "Why didn't you just tell me from the beginning?"

"I-I was... afraid."

"Cas, you have nothing to be afraid of. You could've just told me. You didn't have to say it in different languages." Sam put his hand on Cas' forearm and gave it a small squeeze. "Who knows, maybe if you would've said it in English, you would've learned that I felt the same way."

Cas looked up at Sam and tilted his head. "You... do?"

"Yes, Cas. I love you." Sam gently grabbed his face and dipped his head. He captured Cas in a kiss and closed his eyes.

Cas froze for a second, then started to kiss him back.

When Sam finally pulled away from Cas, he rested his forehead on the angels. "Te amo, Cas."

"Jag alskar dig, Sam."


I made an aesthetic to go along with this!

I made an aesthetic to go along with this!

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I'm so proud of it! <3

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