Can We Stop This?

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Castiel Novak and Sam Winchester were friends... with benefits. Sam let Cas take him whenever he wanted, however he wanted, and where ever he wanted.

Most of the time, Cas did him in the school bathrooms. If he was feeling dangerous, then a teachers classroom.

Sam was actually thinking about cutting off all ties with Cas. He was growing tired of being used.

Sam opened up his locker and a note fell out. He picked it up and looked at it.

Bathroom. Now.

Sam sighed and crumbled up the paper. He got his books for his next class, then shut his locker. With a small sigh, he headed to the bathroom, tossing the note in the trashcan along the way.

He was thinking about what he could tell Cas to try and end this... Whatever it was.

In all honesty, he liked Cas. Like, he like liked Cas. He just felt as if Cas didn't care for him or felt the same way.

Sam sighed and went into the abandoned bathroom. He saw Cas leaning against the opposite wall, arms crossed and looking down.

Cas looked up at Sam and smirked. "Finally." He went over and locked the door. "We don't have much ti-"

"Cas, I don't want to do this anymore.."


Sam looked up at him pitifully. "I don't want to do this anymore... I-I want an actual relationship with someone... I don't want to be someone's fuck buddy..."

"And you don't think I don't?"


Cas huffed. "Why do you think I call you here almost everyday, Sam? I thought I would find someway to tell you, but this was the only way I knew how. I have feelings for you, but I knew that you never noticed. I always fucked you slowly, because I care about you and knew that you would hurt if I did what I actually wanted to. I like you Sam, I really do. Hell, I love you."


"No, it's whatever. It's fine. We can stop. Bye Sam."

Sam watched as Cas unlocked the door and walked out the bathroom. He had tears brimming the corner of his eyes. He... loves me? Castiel loves me?

"And I just drove him off..." He wiped at his tears that had started to fall. I gotta get him back... Tell him how I feel...

The next day, Sam hadn't heard from Cas at all. He went through his morning classes, thinking about Cas the whole time.

By the time lunch came, Sam had developed a plan. He had gotten out of class early and he went to Cas' locker. He did what he had to do, then walked off.

The bell rang, signalling lunch. Cas walked out of his class and headed to his locker, grateful that he would be able to leave school for an hour.

Ever since he called things off with Sam, he's been feeling... different. It's almost like he was heartbroken.

He went to his locker and opened it. His eyebrows furrowed when a note fell out. He picked it up before anyone could see, and quickly read it.

Please, come to the bathroom. I need to talk to you.

Cas crumpled up the note. We already called it off. I made myself look like an idiot. There's nothing to talk about.

He sighed and shut his locker after throwing his things in. He turned and walked away, heading away from the bathroom, but he suddenly stopped and turned around.

Might as well go, right?

Sam was starting to worry that Cas didn't want to see him. He sighed and bit his lip, nervously. A few more minutes and if-

Sam was pulled from his thoughts by the door opening. He looked up and smiled a bit when he saw Cas. "Hi Cas.."

"Hey... What do you want?"

Sam bit his lip again, then walked over to him. He locked the door, then stood in front of Cas. Growing a pair, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Cas', wrapping his arms around his neck at the same time.

Cas' eyes widened as Sam started to kiss him. This was probably the softest kiss they've shared. Cas closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Sam's waist.

Sam smiled against his lips, then slowly pulled away. He unwrapped his arms from around Cas' neck, then slowly sunk to his knees.



Sam unzipped Cas' jeans, then pulled them down. He started to palm him and watched him start to grow erect through his boxers.

He pulled down Cas' boxers and ran his thumb over the tip of his cock. He smiled when he heard Cas let out a quiet moan. He looked up and watched as Cas tightly clutched his fist and closed his eyes.

Sam smiled and licked his lips before parting them and taking Cas' cock into his mouth.

Cas threw his head back and moaned when he felt Sam's warm mouth close around him. "S-Sam! Fu-fuck!"

Sam started to bob his head slowly. He grabbed one of Cas' hands and unballed it, then placed it in his hair. When he pulled away, he looked up at Cas. "You can grab my hair, Cas..." He started to suck Cas again.

Cas slowly tightened his grip on Sam's hair. He pushed Sam deeper and would pull him away, before pushing him deeper again.

This went on for a few minutes before Cas was trying to form his word and warn Sam.

"S-Sam, I, fuck, cum, AH! Soon!"

Sam let out a small hum against him. He started to bob his head faster, helping Cas closer to his release.

After a few more bobs, Cas came down Sam's throat, holding back his scream, just as Sam creamed his pants.

Cas released Sam's hair and Sam took Cas' cock out his mouth. He swallowed and started to help Cas dress again.

"Sam, wh-what was that for?" Cas panted out as he did the buckled of his belt.

Sam stood up. "I felt bad about yesterday.."

"Why? You wanted to stop, so it's alright."

"No, I felt bad that I never realized how you feel."


"Cas, I asked some of the people you used to date. They all said the same thing."

"What did they say?" Cas asked with a small voice.

"That during sex, you were so rough that they had trouble walking the next day. And it made me think that you were never that rough with me. You always asked if I was alright or if I wasn't comfortable with something. So, I started thinking about what you said. And, Cas, I love you too."

"Sam... You do?"

"Yes. I realized I did a while back, but I always thought you didn't feel the same way. That's why I wanted to end this yesterday... I didn't want to be hurt when you found someone else..."

Cas gently caressed his cheek. "Oh, Sam. I love you. I could never find someone else. Even if we really did break things off, I wouldn't find someone that makes me feel like you make me feel."

Sam started to smile. "Really?"

"Really." Cas gently kissed him on the lips. Sam happily kissed him back.

When they pulled away, Cas rested his forehead on Sam's. "So, Sam, do you wanna go out tonight?"

"I would love to go out with you, Cas."

It didn't really match the friends with benefits thing, but I tried. :3

And, I was wrong.

This was probably the most detailed smut I've ever written. Not the other one.

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