That's Him!!

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Chuck, aka God, happily watched as a young Sam and Castiel went to school.

He had made them soulmates. Of course they didn't realize it yet, seeing as they were five, but Chuck knew, and couldn't wait for them to get older and start figuring out love.

Thirteen years later, Chuck is crying. Sam and Cas were no longer friends and were dating two girls that weren't good for them.

He wanted to intervene and send a few lightning bolts down, but he knew he couldn't do that.

He'll just have to wait.

A few years later, Sam and Cas are in their early twenties. Both of them were going to Stanford, but didn't know the other was there. They hardly remembered each other to be honest. Chuck was hoping that they would meet and maybe, just maybe, his ship will sail.

Cas was running late. Very, very, late. He was just going to skip class, but found that unacceptable. He was running from his dorm room, going as fast as his legs could carry him.

I really need to work out more... Or grow taller. He thought as he turned the corner.


Cas ran into a brick wall.

Well, a human that was built like a brick wall.

Cas fell to the ground, losing all his stuff in the process. And to make his day 100 times better, he fell right in a puddle of mud.

"Oh my god! Fuck my life and everything that it's worth!" Cas sat up and put his head in his hands.

At the mention of his name, Chuck looked down at Cas and he gasped. "There he is! It's him! You ran into Sam!!" He was turning into a complete fangirl.

"Hey, I'm really sorry..."

Cas looked up and saw the hand being held out to him. He took it and the guy helped him up.

Once he was up, he looked down and started to pick up his stuff. He noticed the guy helping him. "Thanks."

"No problem. It's my fault anyw-" The two turned to each other and their eyes widened.



The two started smiling at each other.

"Wow... It's good to see you again, Cas." Sam said with a big smile.

Cas nodded in agreement. "It's good to see you too, Sam."

The two gathered Cas' things, having a little conversation. When everything was picked up and back in Cas' hands, they chatted for another moment.

Before they went their seperate ways, Sam asked him a question.

"Do you wanna go get some coffee sometime?"

To which Cas responded with,

"Sure, Sam. I'd love too."

Meanwhile, Chuck was full on crying and cheering. "My ship is gonna sail!"

In reality, God is a teenage girl.

Based off of this that platypus- sent me!

Based off of this that platypus- sent me!

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