I Take You As You Are

310 14 2

August 1, 1999

"Jess, you look so pretty!" Sarah walks around Jessica, with her eyes widened.

"Thank you, love! It would have been nice to lose some baby weight." Jessica fixes her skirt looking in the mirror.

"Well, you look amazing for just having a baby." Sarah walks over to her giving Jessica a hug.

Matthew, who was only 4 weeks old began to cry. Jessica walked over to his travel crib picking him up and walking him around the room.

"It's okay little boy, mommy's here." Jessica bounces him gently.

"Have you heard from them. If they are coming or not?" Sarah follows Jessica.

She clears her throat- "Um, no. I don't think they will come." Jessica puts her head down.

"I am sorry. I know it must be hard on you. But just think, you will be marrying the love of your life today. And you have a little bundle of joy to stare at afterward."

Jessica laughs, "Hard to believe I am only 19." Jessica looks down and Matt and smiles, rubbing his little cheeks.

"Well, we should get going to the church. Let me help you get this cutie into the car." Sarah walks over to Jess, taking Matthew away and holding him in her arms smiling.


Jessica, Sarah, and Matthew head to the church.

The small church parking lot was filled with cars. Family, family friends, and high school friends. Jessica was nervous. She wanted her parents there. Her mom to tell her everything will be okay, and her dad to walk her down the aisle and give her away. She hadn't talked to her dad since she told him she was pregnant. She called her mom a few times towards the end of the pregnancy. She didn't know if they would come or not. She had missed them so much and wanted her son to meet his grandparents.

Jessica stared out the window, watching the people come in. She was wearing a white maternity blouse, with an old blazer that belonged to her dad, and Sarah's dress skirt.


"Yea, I think I am. Matthew is with Rob's parents, I fed him, everything is good." Jessica smiles walking out the door, she looks back at Sarah.

"Listen to me, I am such a mom." Jessica laughs.

The ceramony begins, Jessica walks down the aisle by herself, the whole way down she keeps her eyes on Robert, then looks at Rob's mom who was holding Matthew. She smiled. This is what she had wanted to do. As she got closer she looked to her left, seeing her mother sitting in the back, with a tear down her face. She was shocked to see her, but kept walking.


Exchange in vowels

Robert takes Jessica's hand-

"Jessica, I know I have said before that I love you with all I am, all I have been, and all I ever shall be - with all my heart and soul. You are the women I want to spend the rest of my life with, forever and always. You have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible." Jessica wipes a tear from her face, sniffing in. She takes a deep breath and smiles looking back at Matthew who was sound asleep.

"Robert, I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support. I will celebrate your triumphs and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years and all that life may bring us, together. And with our beautiful son." Jessica wipes another tear and smiles back at Robert.

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