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She paced around the room. Refusing care, and care to only be given to her son who had not yet woken up. Jessica's heart was empty, every time she had talked to the police she felt even more guilty than before. Her mother tried to comfort her but nothing helped. She held Brady tight and prayed. She prayed her son would be okay. And that the boys could heal from this. Matt had third-degree burns from the boiling water, a two broken fingers, and a minor concussion from hitting his head. The cops had been on the search for Robert. Jessica's brother found her one of the best lawyers, and her sisters went to the house and packed up some things for her and the boys. She felt hopeless and disgusting. How could it get this far, why did she stay, what was the point. She knew she didn't love him anymore. What was the reason?

"Mrs. DeNiro?" The doctor walks into the family waiting room.

"Yes. Doctor Toy?" Jessica stands up and holds her arms around her stomach.

"Your son is in recovery now. As you know we had to go into surgery and fix some of the damaged nerves from the burns. We do not know when he will wake up. We had to clean out the burnt skin and cast his hand."

"He will be okay? Can I see him?" Jessica lets out a big huff and puts her hands over her head.

"Yes. Do you mind if I talk you privately?" The doctor takes her out of the room.

"Where is he?" Jessica looks down the halls.

"Ma'am. We can't let you see him. As a doctor, I am obligated to call child protective services. They are on their way right now and witnesses and other family members will be asked some questions, including you. Until she has talked to you son, nobody can see him."

"But, he is my son? Do you think I meant for this to all happen on purpose? He is scared, he needs me. Please." Jessica starts to cry.

"Oh, course I don't think you did this. It is just protocol . I have to. There are so many cases like this. No need to worry. The only rights that will be taken away to your kids is your husband." He puts his hand on Jessica's shoulder and smiles, walking away.


It was the next morning and the cops had not yet found Robert. The social worker had interviewed everyone, Matt was the last one. Jessica stayed at the hospital waiting for him to wake up and be interviewed and a report filed by the police.


A nurse walks in waking up Jessica.

"Mrs. DeNiro, you can see your son now. He is awake and looking for you."

Jessica jumps up and runs to his room. She slowly opens the door and stands in the doorway. She stares at him for a few seconds and puts her hand over her mouth. He looks over and tears run from his face. She paces over to him and gives him a hug. She held her son. She hadn't seen him cried since his childhood pet died. Jessica whispered that she was sorry.

"I love you mom." He sniffs hugging her tighter.

"I love you too Matthew."

"Why did you tell me?" He says pulling away.

"Your bond with your dad is so important, I didn't want to ruin it."

"He was hurting you, for so long. You are the bravest person." He hugs her again and moves over making room for Jessica. She lays down next to him and holds him.

"Did they find him?"

"No." Jessica drops the subjects and cares for her son.


Sorry this is so short, Comment what you think will happen next or what you want to happen next.

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