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Immediately an ambulance showed up at the gym. Jessica was still unconscious. Danny grabbed their things and went with Jessica. On the way over Danny held her hand praying that everything was okay.

Jessica slowly began to wake up after they hooked her up to an IV. The Paramedics believe she was dehydrated but they were going to take her to the ER to run test.

"What's, what's going on?" Jessica says moving her head left to right.

She slowly opens her eyes and looks at Danny with fright in her eyes.

"You passed out at the gym, are you okay?"

"My wrist hurts, so does my head." Jessica holds her left wrist with her right hand.

The paramedics look at her hand.

"Jessica, can you move your wrist for me?"

Jessica tries to move her hand but she can't. She squints her eyes.

"Okay, we will have to get some X-rays when we get to the ER."

When they get to the ER Danny helps Jessica change into a gown. They put her in a small bed. The beds were separated with blue curtains. The doctors came in an ran different test before they gave Jessica X-rays. They examined her body to make sure there wasn't any bleeding and to find out what the reason was for her passing out.

"Do you need anything?" Danny says sitting next to Jessica.

Jessica smiles "I am just fine. Don't worry honey, everything will be fine." Jessica takes his hand.

"I am worried."

"Don't be. We will be out of here soon."

"I knew going to the gym was a bad idea. We should have just stayed home."

"Yea, right now sex does sound better." Jessica giggles

Jessica gets a call from Matthew.

"Mom? Is this you? What's going on?"
Matt says worried.

"It's me Matt, I am fine."

"Danny said you passed out at the gym, what happened?"

"I am not sure yet. But everything is okay."

"Do I need to come out there? Mom I feel like you are lying."

"I am not lying. You don't need to come out here. Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent positive. Thank you for calling."

"No problem, I just want you to be okay. I love you, and call me when you leave."

"Was that Matt?" Danny says

"Yea, you shouldn't have called him." Jessica says

"I am sorry. He had called just as we were getting in the ambulance, I didn't know."

"I just want him to focus on school. I bet this is all because I didn't eat before we left.

Can't we just go home?" Jessica pouts.

"We are not leaving until we find out what's wrong."


A few hours later the doctor comes back with all of the test results.

"Okay, all of your test are back in." He says sitting down. Jessica looks at him.

"So, what happened?" Danny says worried.

"After looking at your test, everything came back negative. Looking at your heart rate and everything, I must seem that you overworked yourself and didn't have enough food and water in your body. It's completely normal. For your wrist it is just a small sprain.

There is something that caught my eye." The doctor pulls out a paper and looks at it.

"Is it bad?" Jessica says

"One test did come back positive... it's the reason why we didn't give an X-ray."

"What test would that be? Please tell me everything is okay."

"It seems to be that you are pregnant Mrs. Huston. 7 weeks to be exact."

A smile quickly appeared on Jessica's face. She covered her mouth and began to cry. Danny stood up and hugged her tight.

"Is the baby okay after the fall?" Jessica said putting her hand on her stomach.

"We are going to check right now. Congratulations mr. And Mrs. Huston!" He brings over the monitor and Jessica lifts up the gown and covers the lower part of her body with a Blanket. Danny takes her hand and smiles looking at the screen.

"It's gonna be cold." He squirts the gel onto her small stomach and moves the monitor around.

Jessica looked with wide eyes.

"That's your little baby. The size of a bean. Everything looks great. The baby was not effected by the fall. Let's here the heart beat."

The doctor pushes a little harder on her stomach to hear the heart beat.

"Wow, are you sure I am 7 weeks, that's really strong." Jessica says listening to it.

"Yep, I think you just have a strong little one."

Jessica let out a deep breath of relief and Danny smiled.

"Jess, it's happening."

"You are clear to go home jess. Just take it easy, you passing out was also your baby telling you that it's time to stop."

On the way home Jessica was so over the moon excited.

"Should we call the kids?" Danny says grabbing the phone.

"I think we should wait. Just in case Danny. Let's wait a few weeks."

"Okay, that sounds fair. I am just so happy!"

"Me too. We are going to be parents together!"

Yay! Hope you all like it!

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