Same Mistake

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After visiting Robert, Matthew told Jessica everything. Jessica felt sad for Matthew, he had been through so much and now he was seeing his father being put away.

A few days later Jessica, Matthew, and Katie, Matthews girlfriend flew down to Pittsburgh for the weekend. Both Katie and Matthew were attending PITT. Katie's mother also came. They planned to spend the weekend touring campus and learning about the city.
"Jessica, doesn't make you said, thinking about these two going off to college." Janet said to Jessica as they watched the kids look around in the library.
"Very, it's hard to believe. I hate thinking about what they will do alone too."
"This place looks like a party school." Janet laughs.
"Matthew will be so busy with football. I hope he doesn't let it get in the way of school work."
"He is a smart kid, don't worry. He leaves in June right? For early training?"
"Ugh yes, 4 months." Jessica says softly.
"Yanno Jess, I think Katie is getting a little saddened by it too. She hasn't been the same these last few weeks."
"When she is over she doesn't really seem herself. Matthew is the same way, but he has so much going on too. With his father and everything."
"Such ashame. I am glad they put together this trip. We can see a little bit of where our kids will be spending the next few years." Janet laughs.

Once they are done walking around a bit, Matthew takes them all out to lunch at a place called Permanti Bro's.

"This sandwich is to die for mom." Katie says taking a bite.
"Goodness, will you guys spend a lot of time here?" Jessica says giggling
"Hell yea." Sam says
Janet laughs
"I am excited." Katie says
"I am excited for you. Both of you." Janet says
"Even though I will miss you so much, I am happy for you guys." Jessica says

After they are done eating, things get very quite.
"There are a few reasons we brought you guys here." Katie says
"Well yea, to see the college." Janet says
"No, not really." Matthew says
"What's going?" Jessica says concerned.
"We ask that you guys don't freak out." Katie says
"I am going to freak out if you are pregnant young lady." Janet says
Katie puts her head down and Matt takes her hand.
Jessica's eyes widen.
"Matthew? Katie? What is it?" Jessica says concerned.
Katie started to cry, and Matthew wiped his face.
"Kathrine Marie Reynolds, are you pregnant?" Janet says shocked.
"Oh my god." Jessica says shaking her head.
"We need your help." Katie says putting her hand on her belly.
"How far along are you sweetie?" Jessica says
"15 weeks, it's a girl."
"How could you not tell us sooner?" Janet says.
"Because, there is a problem.
When we went to go get test done, they noticed my blood pressure was extremely high." Katie says crying.
"Katie has preeclampsia. The doctors don't think it's safe for her to have the baby." Matt starts to cry.
"Katie, are you at high risk?" Janet reaches out her hand and takes Katie's.
"They want me to go into early labor and deliver the baby as soon as possible."
"Katie, I am so sorry." Matthew whispers.
"Of course you do honey, early preeclampsia is so bad. Honey you could-" Janet chokes up.
"I know mom. But I got a second opinion. I can't have this baby now, it will die, and I will never be able to live with myself."
"Katie, if your preeclampsia is this bad, it's only safe. And you two are so young. Your going into college, there is always a future. You guys can't take on this responsibility!" Janet says
"If you stay pregnant Katie, what is the plan. How will you support the baby and yourselves?" Jessica says
"I will take on extra shifts, we can buy a small apartment. I will be getting paid to play football." Matt says confidently.
"We just don't know what to do. Jessica, mom we want to have this baby. We need your support." Katie says
"Honey, I will always be here for you. But I want you to put your health first." Janet says with a tear down her face.
"Matthew, Katie I love you both so much. I want you to do what's best and what you feel is safe. Remember the doctors know what they are talking about and if they recommend early labor that's what you have to do." Jessica says.

Later that night things were very strange. Jessica was sick to her stomach. They decided to cut the trip short and go back home.

When they landed Jessica drove Matthew back home and Katie and Janet went home.

Jessica and Matthew were almost home.

"Mom, why aren't you talking to me?" Matt says looking over at her.
"I am tired." Jessica says quickly
"No you aren't."
"Matthew, please just stop."
"Mom! I don't want you to be disappointed in me, it was a mistake I know. But I am going to be a father, I want to marry her. We want to have this baby and keep it in as long as possible." Matt says
"Matthew, how many times did I tell you to be careful, not to make the same mistake your father and I made. Huh? You haven't even graduated high school, you are only 18! She is 17. Matthew you are too young, you can't support her or the baby. Danny and I will help you but we can't 100% support you. I am disappointed and scared for you. You are throwing away everything." Jessica screams with everything she has.
Matthew was silent. He didn't know what to say.
"So if you could go back, you wouldn't have had me. Listen I get that I ruined your life as a teen, but unlike you I will make the most of Katie and i's baby girl." Matt says holding back the tears.
"Matthew, I never said you ruined my life. You were a blessing and changed me for the better. I love you. But it was hard, there where days when I Was worried I couldn't give you what you deserve. The pressure put on both of you will be too much."
"If Katie wants to have this baby, and she thinks she can have it we are having it."

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