Camera Shy

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Jessica breathed heavily as she sat up. She began to sob covering her face. Danny woke up.

"Jessica, what happened? Is everything okay?"

"I just wish this was all a dream!" She digs her face into Danny's chest and cries even louder.

"We will get through this, Marlowe is going to be okay."

"My one job is to keep her safe, and I failed."

"You didn't fail, there was no way of avoiding this. If you keep doing what you are doing we can finish the pregnancy and have our baby girl."

Danny holds Jessica to calm her down.


The next day Matt left to go back to Pittsburg.

"I'm so sorry that we weren't able to do much with you Matt. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"It's okay. You just focus on getting better." Matthew gives her a hug and kiss.

"Don't forget to bring us shirts!" Brandon says

"And inflatable bouncy balls." Emily giggles

"I will. You guys be good.

Ready to go Danny?"

"Yes. I'm all ready. Jessica is your mom taking you today?"

"Yes, after the kids get on the bus."

"Okay, text me while you are there."

"I will. Now go before you are late." Jessica blows as they walk out the door.


After the kids get on the bus Dorthy comes over to pick up Jessica and take her to the hospital for her test.

"So how far along are you?" Dorthy says

"28 weeks, 29 weeks this Sunday."

"Wow. That's great, you're in your third trimester."

"Yep." Jessica says softly

"What is the latest news on the baby?"

"My levels went up just a bit. The baby is doing good. There is still risks and they want to induce me at 35 Weeks."

"I'm sorry..."


When they get to the hospital they hook Jessica up to the monitors and IV. A nurse stays in the room for a while to check the heart rate, oxygen levels, and responses to the test.

"These results are looking good." The nurse says with a smile.

Jessica gave a light smile then looked at her mother.

"The doctor will be in soon to give you an ultrasound and discuss some stuff with you."

Jessica nods and rubs her belly.

"My little girl..." Jessica says


"Hello Mrs. Lange, are you ready for your ultrasound?"


The doctor walks over and squirts the gel on her. Dorthy stands next to Jessica with a smile.

"Strong heart beat, as always." The doctor says

Jessica listens to the baby's heart beat and smiles.

"She's a strong little girl." Jessica says with a smile.

"Now let's see the baby." She moves the Doppler around and Jessica soon saw Marlowe dancing around inside of her.

"Oh look, your little girl must be camera shy!"

The baby had her hand covering part of her face. Jessica and Dorthy giggled.

"Aww, how precious. My little granddaughter."

After seeing the baby the doctor begins discussing options.

"So Jessica, of course we have a long way to go with these test. After looking at out numbers I think we should induce you at 35 weeks, February 20th."

"Will it be safe for the baby?"

"It's better to get her out sooner then later."

"5 weeks early. That's scary..."

"No need to be scared. Your baby is doing great, she is very strong I think she can get out of this."

"This risks, are they still there?"

"Very small percentage. I don't think you need to worry."


After the doctor appointment Jessica and Dorthy went out to lunch.

"Eat up so you can make Marlowe fat!"

Jessica giggles taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Jessica, what about a baby shower?"

"A baby shower?"

"yes! Your sisters want to plan you one. But they need your okay."

"I haven't even thought about that. I mean having a baby shower would be nice." Jessica smiles.

"So is that a yes?"

"I guess so. A girl baby shower would be fun."

"Oh great! This is great!" Dorthy smiles


"So, what did the doctor say?" Danny says as they sit at the table eating dinner.

"I'm being induced February 20th."

"Really? At 35 weeks?"

"Yep. They want to get the baby out early."

"We get to meet Marlowe soon?" Emily says

"We sure do! Isn't that exciting?"

"I can't wait!" Brandon says

"Oh! Look, she's kicking!" Jessica says wrapping her hands around her belly.

"Can I feel?"

They all walk around Jessica and put their hands on her belly.

"She's getting big!"

"Yep! For sure."

"Apparently my sisters and Sarah want to have a baby shower for me." Jessica chuckles

"ahh, I herd about that. They are planning it all."

"How did you know?"

"We all knew." Emily says

"Heh! Wow."

"Surprise?" Danny says taking Jessica's hand across the table.

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