The Lady At Work

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On a Tuesday Jessica and Danny got the kids on the bus for school. Jessica went to work with Danny to get some hours in before she officially left for maternity leave.

"Excited to go back to the office for a while?" Danny takes Jessica's hand and looks at her.

"Yes, now pay attention to the road." She chuckles

"All the nurses miss seeing you."

"With all these doctors appointments it's been hard to work. I just feel like working will get my mind off things."

"How do you feel today?"

"I feel like a giant balloon."

"You look stunning..."

"Thank you. I just don't feel it."


It was a regular work day, they had patients coming in and out for check ups. Jessica saw patients before the doctors did. It was a relief for Jessica to get her mind off things and work. She loved helping people and seeing all the little kids that came in and out of the office.

After Jessica's lunch break, she went back to work. As she prepared for the next patient and sterilized the room.

"Ginette Willson?" Jessica says stepping out into the waiting room.

A new mother stood up with a baby carrier in her hand. Jessica gave her a small smile and led her to the room.

"Hello, Ms. Willson... You are here for your daughter's two-month checkup?" Jessica says as they get into the room.

The lady sets the baby carrier down and lifts the blanket up that covered a little baby girl.

"She's so adorable," Jessica says looking at the tiny baby that was sound asleep.

"Thank you, she's been so sick." The lady says in exhaustion

Jessica walks over to the computer and looks at the charts.

"She was born premature, correct?" Jessica says

"Yes. I had her at thirty-four weeks."

A sudden pain came from Jessica's heart. This baby was born a week earlier than what Jessica's due date was. It scared her seeing how sick and small the baby was.

"She is just so small and fragile. I get so scared at night because she still has problems breathing. I'm a single mom and this is all just so much. Her medicine and doctor appointments are just so much money." The lady begins crying covering her face. Jessica walks over to her to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry ma'am."

"I'm so scared..."

"Don't be scared. She's only so young and she has a whole life ahead of her to grow out of the problems she has now."

"You think?"

"I know." Jessica smiles

Jessica picks up the baby and does the regular procedure for a newborn checkup. She weighs her, measures her, and checks her heart.

As Jessica is doing these things the mother sits and watches comforting the baby when she cries.

"How far along are you?

"I'm twenty-nine weeks." Jessica mentions softly.

"Girl or boy?"

"A girl" Jessica smiles

"Congrats, your first one?"

"No, my third. But it's been a while."

"I wish you the best of luck. I bet you and your husband can't wait."

Jessica turned to her and gave her a soft smile then looks back at the baby.

"I just want the best for her... Ever since I left her father, I feel like I can't give her the life she needs."

"I'm sorry to hear. I bet you are a wonderful mother."

"I don't mean to bore you, I just don't have anyone to talk to." The lady sighs then holds her daughter's tiny hand.

"You aren't boring me. I understand how hard it is to be a single mom. I understand the constant worry you go through on a daily basis. Your daughter knows how much you love and care about her, as hard as it may be it's all worth it."

"Thank you." She says in a shaky voice. She picks up her daughter and holds her to her chest.

"I had to get away from him. I didn't want him to hurt her."

"Are you in a safe place now?" Jessica says with wide eyes

"Yes, I live with my brother now. It just makes me so sad he won't be in her life. I can't help but feel guilty."

"I know how you feel. Just worry about keeping your baby safe, and keeping yourself safe."


On the car ride back home Jessica looked out the window. Raindrops covered her window. The only sound you could hear was the sound of the windshield wipers. Jessica's hands were wrapped around her belly and her head rested on the seat.

"You okay honey?" Danny says reaching over and placing his hand on Jessica's belly.


Oh I'm fine"

"Are you sure? You seem like you have something on your mind."

"When don't I have something on my mind?" She chuckles

"Seriously, though. What's bothering you."

"A lady a work. Her daughter was a patient. It's nothing."



When they got home the kids got off the bus shortly after. Jessica prepared dinner while the little ones did their homework and Danny caught up on paperwork.

"Mom?" Brandon says walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, sweetie?" Jessica turns off the stove and turns to Brandon.

"Did you ever find out if Daddy can adopt me?"

"Not yet... It might be a while until we can start all of that, I think Danny is going to see a lawyer tomorrow."

"I just want it to happen." He pouts

Jessica grabs onto the counter top for support and bends down looking at Brandon. She runs her other hand down his cheek and wipes his tear.

"I love you... I hate to see people I love cry." She tilts her head and quivers her lip.

"I don't want you to be sad mommy!"

"You didn't make me sad baby."

"I just hate being apart of Robert."

"This is all so hard on you, you never deserved all this stuff that happened with your father. He does love you, Brandon. He never meant to hurt you. He is just an angry man and he's hurting inside. You can't have all this anger towards him, anger isn't good. We have to learn to forgive and move on. Holding grudges isn't good. Okay?"

"How are you able to forgive him, for hurting you?"

"I still have a hard time with it, because he hurt you and your brother. I can never forgive anyone for breaking my babies heart. I've learned to move on, because look at us now. We are all happy."

"Happiness is the best."

"It sure is.

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