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"Jessie, I don't have another patient for an hour, come in my office." Danny says holding pregnancy test supplies.
Jessica stand up from her desk and goes into his office.
"Pee in this. Do you want me to take your blood?" Danny hands her the cup.
"Let's see how this one turns out."
"Cross our fingers." Danny smiles than puts his hand on Jessica's belly.

Jessica comes back and Danny test the cup.

"What does it say Danny?" Jessica looks over his shoulder. The room goes quite.
"Not pregnant." Danny throws everything in the trash.
"Danny, I swore that I thought I was. I am sorry." Jessica puts her hand on his shoulder.
Danny turns around and looks at her.
"It's okay baby, don't say sorry." Danny kisses her.
"You were so excited."
"Don't worry, we have forever to have a baby."
Jessica smiles that puts her head down. "So you do want to have babies together in the future?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course! I want to have hundreds with you." Danny puts up Jessica and puts her on the patient bed.
"Hundreds? I don't think hundreds. Maybe two or three?" Jessica giggles
"You are only 34, it's not too late." Danny laughs holding Jessica's hand.
"Let's get married first." Jessica says looking at Danny in a funny way.
"I love you Jess."
"I love you too Daniel."
As Jessica was making dinner for everyone she quickly stopped and ran to the bathroom. Danny got worried and followed her upstairs to wait and see if everything was okay.
"Oh Danny! You scared the shit out of me!" Jessica says as Danny sat outside the door.
"I am sorry, I wanted to see if everything was okay, If maybe you were sick or something was wrong."
"I'm not pregnant." Jessica says.
"Not pregnant?" Matt says walking out of his room overhearing Danny and Jessica. The both turn to him.
"Did you think you were pregnant?" Matt walks closer to Jessica.
Jessica clears her throat. "Yes. But I-"
"Please don't tell me you lost the baby mom, I am sorry you have to go through this again.."
Matthew interrupts.
"No, honey I was never pregnant. I just started, there was no way."
"Oh, sorry I jumped to conclusions."
"Don't worry about t buddy. Why don't you go downstairs and help out with dinner. If you don't mind." Danny smiles patting his back.
After he his gone Danny takes Jessica into there room and closes the door.
"Danny what are you doing?" Jessica smiles
"What did he mean by, again?" Danny looks at Jessica in a funny way.
"Can we not talk about this right now, later. After dinner?" Jessica grows quite.
"Did you lose our baby?"
"No, of course not."
"Why aren't you telling me what he meant than?" Danny says flustered and worried
"Because it's something that we need to sit down and talk about. And we have 3 kids down there that are going to eat each other if I don't feed them, Danny!" Jessica turns away.
"Okay, I am sorry." Danny puts his hand on her shoulder.
"Matt I can't wait to see you win tomorrow!" Emily says
"Me too. It's gonna be great."
"Tomorrow is senior night to mom."
Jessica looks at Matt than Danny. "Is that were your mother and father walk you down the field?"
"Ya. But I want to ask Danny a question."
"Sure, what is it?" Danny smiles putting down his fork.
"Can you go in place of my dad at senior night? I would like you and my mom to walk me down the field."
"I would love to. Are you sure you don't want Robert to?"
"I am sure. Robert hasn't been there for me like you have."
"It will be an honor. Eat up, big game." Danny smiles than hands him more potatoes.
Jessica looks and smiles at Danny.

After dinner the kids went in the other room and watched a movie while Danny and Jessica cleaned up.
"Could you hand me that big bowl please." Jessica says putting out her hand.
"Yes. *hands her the plate*
I am so happy that Matt wants me to be apart of senior night with you guys."
"I know, isn't that great."
"What do you think Robert will say."
"He doesn't deserve to walk him down the field." Jessica snaps
"Oh okay."
"Parents have to match, what should we wear?"
"Burgundy and Gold." Danny smiles
"Sounds good."
"Jessie, what's going on. Ever since I asked you about what Matt meant by again you stayed quite. "
"It's hard for my to talk about. I never told you." Jessica walks over to the table and sits down.
"I am not forcing you to tell me."
"I know, but I have to tell you."
"Okay, what's going on?" Danny takes Jessica's hand.
"A few years ago I lost my baby."
Danny looks at Jessica who had a tear going down her eye.
"Jessie, I am so sorry."
"Her name was Ellie. The day we told everyone we were expecting I fell. When I went to the hospital they check on the baby and there was no heartbeat. They said that before the fall the baby was already dead." Jessica's voice cracks.
"Baby, why did you never tell me this?"
"It is so hard for me to talk about. It is one of the big reasons that Robert was so angry."
"Jessica, I am so sorry. You are so strong and never deserve for any of this to happen to you." Danny takes her hand and holds her.
"Thank you. When I thought I was pregnant I got scared for a moment."
"I understand, you don't need to be scared."
"I know, but even though I want to have kids with you so badly. I am worried I won't be able to keep them safe inside me, and I will lose them."
"There is no rush honey."

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