Super Mom

125 13 3

20 weeks pregnant/ thanksgiving-

It was Thanksgiving week, Dorthy was preparing Thanksgiving dinner at her house. The kids were all off for Thanksgiving break.

"I just can't wait to eat on Thursday." Jessica says rubbing her stomach.

"Do you want anything now?" Danny says

"No. Maybe I should eat some spicy food tonight. I need to get this baby moving. She hasn't moved yet." Jessica pokes her belly.

"Just give her some time. Your only half-way there." Danny leans over her kisses her belly.

"Hey baby girl, daddy loves you. Mommy really wants you to move around, so if you could be a good daddy's girl and kick or turn I would really appreciate it."

Jessica laughs. "I feel fat."

"Please, look at how skinny you are."

"I feel it. I am all swollen."

"You're beautiful."

"I can't believe we are having a little girl. It feels so weird. This pregnancy is different from the boys."

"I love you pregnant."

"Oh gosh." Jessica rolls her eyes and laughs.

"She is going to be born on our anniversary month."

*doorbell rings*

"I'll get it." Danny says sitting up.

Jessica propped her feet up and shut her eyes.

A couple seconds later she opened her eyes and saw Matthew standing over the couch.

Jessica quickly sat up and hugged Matthew.

"Matthew, you're here!"

"Hey mom." Matthew says softly.

When Matthew got home they had a welcome home dinner for him and all hung out as a family. It made Jessica so happy to see Matthew.

The next day Jessica and Matthew went out for lunch.

"I am so happy you came." Jessica says

"I am glad I did. I missed you all." Matthew takes a bite of his salad.

"How have you been?"

"Better, a lot better. I brought my grades up and everything."

"That's good. I am proud of you.

Matthew I am still really sorry for everything."

"Don't apologize mom. I was wrong to ever try drugs. I was in a tough spot and unhappy. I was just overwhelmed. But I am better now, I just hope we can put this behind us."

"You know I love you, right?"

"I know mom. You are the best. How is the baby?"

"She is good. Only 20 more weeks."

"I can't wait to meet her."

Jessica smiled at Matthew.


Thanksgiving day they all went over to Dorthy's. Jessica's siblings and their family were at Dorthy's, all of the cousins hung out downstairs while the adults were upstairs. Dorthy and the girls prepared dinner while the men watched football.

"Jessica, you rest a bit." Jane says sitting her down."

"I am fine, I am not hopeless Jane."

"When I was pregnant I wished that people told me to rest... but no." Jane laughs.

"Oh Jane! We didn't need to tell you to. You played the pregnant card all the time." Dorthy says

"See for me, when I was pregnant with Matt I was always moving. Taking all of the college classes I could, studying, working. I never had a break." Jessica let's out a deep breath.

"Oh jessie!" Ann says

After dinner was ready they all sat around the table, said grace, than ate food. Matthew was the center of attention, everyone asked him about college and football. They were all so proud and happy for him.

After dinner Dorthy pulled out old family photos.

"Oh know, here come embarrassing 80's pictures!" George says

"Mom, must we pull these out?" Anne laughs

"We must. I love looking at pictures. It's just so fitting for today because everyone in these pictures we are thankful for, and the experiences we had with them."

They all went through the pictures and found ones of each other.

"Look at this one of mommy!" Emily says holding up one of Jessica with a fork in her hand.

"Junior Prom. I remember it so well." Jessica laughs.

"Gorgeous." Danny says kissing her.

Danny sat in a chair and Jessica sat on the ground going through the pictures. She sat close to Danny as he rubbed her back.

"Look Jessie! There you are at Aunt Mary's wedding." Jane holds up a picture of Jessica when she was sixteen.

"Ahh, the days when I was skinny."

Matthew found another one of Jessica.

"Is this me mom?" Matthew hands a picture to Jessica. She was holding a baby.

"Looks like it. Your father and I always went on walks to calm you down when you cried." Jessica tears up.

"Why are you crying mom?"

"You were such a little baby!"


When they got home the kids went to sleep. Matthew went up into his room and organized his things. Jessica went in to talk to him.

"Hey mom."

"Hi sweetie. Did you enjoy yourself tonight?"

"Yea. I missed everyone."

"We missed you.

Seeing those pictures of you when you were a baby made me cry." Jessica laughs sitting at his desk chair.

"You were an amazing mom, under the circumstances. You did so much for me and sacrificed so much to be a great mom. I don't have how many times to say thank you, because I know thank you isn't enough."

Jessica softly cried.

"I did it because I love you. I would never go back and change a thing."

"For being 18, going to work everyday, school, and taking care of me. You did hell of a job."

"Call me super mom."

"I will, because that's what you are."

"I appreciate it so much, hearing this makes me so happy. I love you." Jessica kisses Matthew on the cheek.

"Any dirty clothes that you want me to wash."

"No it's okay, I will do it. Get some rest."

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