Nothing Can Go Wrong P.2

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Jessica was 16 weeks pregnant. She didn't tell the boys yet. She was nervous. Robert was a lot different. He was happier. Jessica and Rob found out they were having a girl. Jessica couldn't wait to meet here. Things were better around the house. Jessica's pregnancy was going well, she had a lot of morning sickness. She tried to hide it from the boys. Jessica didn't know how they would react. She planned to announce it to everyone after Brady's birthday party. He was turning 5. Every time she looked at the boys, she just wanted to burst out and tell them. Every time her mother called she just wanted to say, "I am having a baby girl!.". It killed her inside. But just like her last two pregnancies she kept quite, just in case anything happened where she would lose the baby. It would give everyone so much sadness. She would rather keep the sadness between her and Robert.
Brandon's 5th Birthday party-
"Okay boys, are you ready to go?" Jessica yells from downstairs. She looks over at Robert who held a pink gift bag behind his hand. Jessica smirks and walks over to him.
"Rob? What's that?"
"Open in." he smiles putting his hand on Jessica's small belly.
She opens in. Inside the bag was a small pink teddy bear, and a shirt that read 'My mommy is my best friend' with pink flowers on it. Jessica tears up. "Robert this is too sweet. Thank you." She wipes her face and gives him a hug and kiss.
"I can't wait to share this great news with everyone."
"Me too." Jessica quickly hides the bag as she hears the boys coming down the stairs.
She runs into the kitchen.
"There's the birthday boy!" She says happily lifting him up. Robert put his hand on her back, "Jess, be careful."
"I am fine." She smiles.
"Now lets go, or we will be late." She says.
Through the day and the party, Jessica was experiencing cramps. She was uncomfortable, but she didn't let it ruin the day for Brady. Robert tried to get her to relax and sit down with the other parents, but she kept going.
All of their family came, grandparents,uncles, aunts, cousins, and close friends.
"Let's sing happy birthday!" Robert says carrying in the cake.
*sings happy birthday*
"Happy birthday baby boy!" Jessica kisses Brady's head and smiles.
"Thank you mommy. This is the best birthday!"
"Happy Birthday little dude." Matt says giving him a pat on the back.
As the party calms down, Jessica and Robert get everyone's attention.
"What's going on?" Dorthy says sitting down.
"We have a little bit on an announcement. Jessica giggles.
"Well? What is it?" Matt says
"Are we getting a puppy?" Brady says.
"Better." Robert says.
"We are expecting a baby girl!" Jessica says happily.
"No way!" Everyone gasps and cheers with joy.
"I am going to have a little sister?" Brady says.
"Cool." Matt says with a smile.
"Yep!" Robert says rapping his hand around Jessica.
After the party Jessica, Robert,Matt,and Brady headed home.
"So are you guys happy?" Robert says.
"Yea. Now I will have to protect her from boys." Matt says in a joking way.
"That will be years away." Jessica laughs.
"I can't play with her though." Brady says quietly.
"Why not?" Jessica turns around.
"She will like girl stuff."
"No, you can both play with the same toys. It doesn't all have to be girl stuff." Robert says.
"Okay, good." He says.
When they got home, Brady had fallen asleep. Matt and Robert carried in the big gifts and Jessica carried Brady in.
"Careful, it's icy." Robert says walking up the long flight of stairs leading to their house.
"Thanks." Jessica takes a few steps.
With a blink on an eye she slips, missing a step. She falls with Brady in her hands, falling down the long flight of stairs. She slapped her body onto the thick ice. Brady fell on top of her. The force of his body hit onto her lower stomach. Robert dropped the gifts and ran over to Jessica.
"Jess, wake up." He say poking her.
Brady wakes up and gets off of Jessica.
"Mommy? Are you okay?" He says.
"Jess, come on get in the car." Robert picks her up.
"Brandon, are you okay?" Robert says.
"Yea. Is mommy okay?"
Jessica wakes up and screams in pain, holding her arm.
"Jessie, it looks like you broke it. Let's go get in the car." Robert carries her to the car.
"Dad, I will stay here with Brady."
"Thanks Matt. Call my mom have her come over please."
Robert rushes Jessica to the hospital. She lays in the back seat. She was in so much pain. She held onto her stomach, worried something may have happened to the baby. She had fallen really hard.
2:28 am-
Jessica was in the hospital for the night. When she arrived they could not find a fetal heartbeat. The doctors said that the fall did not cause this. They said it was very common. Jessica was heartbroken. She didn't care about her injuries, the fact that she had lost her little girl killed her. Robert was quite, sad. She still felt pregnant. There was stilly a tiny human inside of her. All she felt was quilt. Was it from lifting heavy things, what did she do wrong? The doctors gave her pills to induce labor, make it feel more like a miscarriage,not an abortion. She gave birth to her baby around 1:00 am. It was painless, the baby was so small. All she felt was the pain of loss and sorrow. Her OB/GYN said that the baby didn't die that that day. Her and Robert held the tiny baby that they named Ellie.
Later that day Jessica was exhausted. They had sent her home. As she walked out a nurse came up to her and gave her a printed out picture of Jessica and Robert holding the Ellie and a little pink hat.
"The same thing happened to be 9 months ago, I regret not having a picture of my son with my husband and I. It will be hard, things won't be okay for a while. They will get better if you surround yourself with love. It wasn't your fault, please remember that."
Jessica tilts her head down and a tear falls on the picture. "Thank you." Jessica says softly.

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Glad I can finally update.

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