It's Beautiful

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Christmas Day-
Football season was over, and Matt was getting ready for college. He accepted his scholarship to PITT. Danny and Jessica where done with work for the year. They spent most of December preparing for Christmas and buying the kids gifts. Jessica and Danny's family where staying in Colorado, and planned to come to Jessica and Danny's Christmas night. Danny wanted everyone around for Christmas. So Jessica and Danny's family could meet. Jessica wanted to make sure that this was one of the best Christmas's since its Matt's last one before college.
On Christmas Day the kids all opened their gifts. Brandon and Emily got clothes and toys, and Matt got money, clothes, and things for his dorm. Jessica and Danny each got each other small gifts.

"Okay kids, everyone will be here soon, so help your mother get ready please." Danny says clapping his hand.
"Don't worry, they can relax. How about you help me honey?" Jessica giggles
"Hey Matt, can you come her back real quick?" Danny walks out of the kitchen into the other room.
"You know the plan right?" Danny whispers
"Yea, I distract everyone. You go over to the neighbors, get the dog, and surprise her." Matt smiles
"I am so nervous." Danny says
"I know she will say yes. This is gonna be great! And everyone is in on it too." Matt laughs
"Thanks so much." Danny pats Matt's back and smiles.
"Danny! Can you help with the ham!" Jessica yells from the kitchen.
"Sure honey." Danny runs in and pulls the ham out of the oven

Everyone starts to arrive, Danny and Jessica's families meet each other. All of the kids start playing and have fun while the adults help. Everyone was so happy and cheerful. Evening got along great.
"Jessica, you look so amazing tonight." Her sister Jane says giving her a hug.
"Aw thank you! This party seems to be going great" Jessica smiles.
"For sure. We should start eating soon. The kids are getting antsy."

Jessica stars bringing out the food. Once everyone sits down, Dorthy makes a toast.
"Today's my favorite day of the year. I can be surrounded by everyone I love. And now, Danny's family. Everyone sitting around this table is so amazing and I love you. I wish everyone the best. Matt, this will be a new year for you to remember, and we are all so proud of you. Jessica and Danny, thank you for hosting and making this the greatest Christmas party ever. Cheers everyone!"
They spend a few hours eating and talking. After dinner everyone started eating dinner.
"Who is ready for gifts?" George says walking into the living room with gifts in his hand.
"Me!" His daughter Sarah yells.
"Goodness, it's so crazy having so many people here, I love it!" Zoe says
"I know, it's different." Danny giggles
"Jessica, this is for you." George says handing her a gift
"Seems heavy. What is is?" Jessica laughs
"Open it, and see."
Jessica slowly opens the gift. It was a picture of Jessica and all of her siblings.
"George, thank you. This is so cute."
"Ew, look at my hair!" Ann says laughing
"Please, we all had crazy perms." Jessica says
"Jessie! Look at you!" Danny says giving her a kiss.
"When i was actually skinny." Jessica says
"Please, you are a twig Jess." Jane says
"Hey baby, I am going to go get something real quick." Danny says
Jessica nods her head, distracted by the chaos of kids opening their gifts and adults talking.
Danny gave Matt the look.
Matt stands up and claps his hands.
"I just wanted to say what an amazing Christmas this has been. I love seeing everyone. I am going to miss this." Matt says. Suddenly everyone in the room knows what's going on, so they play along.
"Aww, don't make me cry Matt." Jessica says
"Cry baby Jess." Her brother jokes
"Please George, you will see in a few years." She jokes
"You two, that's enough." Dorthy says.
"Wait, where's Danny?" Jessica looks around
Everyone giggles
"Anyone know?"
Jessica hears the door open and turns to it. Danny walked in with a big red box with a bow on it. Jessica laughed.
"What do you have in there honey?"
Everyone pulls out there phones casually.
"It's for you mommy." Brandon says sitting next to her. Emily sits on the other side leaning her head on Jessica.
"Me? What did you get me, a boulder?"
Jessica herd scratching from the box.
"Open it Jess." Danny stands I from of her.
She slowly opens the box. A small black and white baby husky jumps up. Jessica covers her mouth and cries. She picks up the dog.
"Danny!" Jessica cries. Everyone oos and ahhs.
Emily finally says- "what's it's name?"
"I am not sure." Jessica smiles
"Check the tag mom." Matt smiles
Jessica brings the puppy closer to her and finds the collar. She flips around the tag and sees a red heart.
She looks at it and mumbles what it says.
Will you marry me
Jessica giggles than looks at Danny who was down on one knee with a box in his hand.
Jessica starts to cry and stands up.
I love you with everything I have. You have made me so happy these last few years from the day I laid eyes on you" Danny says smiling at her.
"I love you too." Jessica says softly
"Will you marry me?"
Jessica smiles than runs over to him giving him a hug and kiss.
"Yes!" Jessica smiles
Danny picks her up and spins her around.
Once he puts her down he pulled out her hand.
"Danny, it's beautiful." She says admiring the ring.
"We are getting married!" Danny says
Everyone cheers and takes pictures.
"Do you like the puppy?" Matt says handing it back to Jessica.
"Oh I do! Where you all in on this?" Jessica says looking at the kids
"Everyone here was! Even the puppy."
"Where did you keep it?"
"The neighbors, for about 2 days." Danny says laughing
"Oh my gosh. You cute little thing." Jessica holds the puppy.

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