Anger and Forgiveness

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The next morning the house was dull. It wasn't filled with the same happy energy that it's usually filled with. Everyone was silent. Matthew didn't come down for breakfast. Brandon did but he didn't make any conversation.

Jessica didn't know what to do. She was there for the boys and talked with them a lot that night, But there came a time when they just wanted to be left alone and not talk.

There still wasn't any updates. Jessica didn't really know much and wasn't able to answer any questions that the boys had.

Jessica called her mother to come stay for a week or two. She knew it would be a rough week and she really just needed to focus on the boys more than ever.

"Brandon, why aren't you eating your chocolate pancakes? They are so good!" Emily says at the table.

Brandon moved his fork around the plate then sighed.

"I'm not hungry." He pushes the plate in front of him.

"Can I be excused?" He says with sadness

"Sure honey." Jessica says softly

Brandon leaves the table and runs up the stairs. When Jessica hears his door close she sighs and looks to Danny.

"Why is everyone so sad mommy?" Emily says

"Brandon and Matthew's Dad went to heaven." Danny says

"Oh no! Do they need a hug?" She says with concern

"I think they just need some quite time. But Grandma Zoe is going to pick you up this afternoon and you are going to have a nice day with her." Danny says

"Are you okay mommy?" Emily says looking at Jessica who had tears running down her face.

Jessica sniffles then wipes them away. "I'll be okay."

Emily finishes her breakfast then runs upstairs to get ready to spend time with her grandma. Jessica and Danny stayed in the kitchen and began cleaning up.

Jessica throws away Matthew and Brandon's untouched food then starts to cry again. Danny comes up behind her and holds her.


"Why was he so damn selfish to do that to his sons!" Jessica stomps her foot with anger

"He wasn't okay... he wasn't thinking when he did it." Danny says

"Matthew hasn't left his room! Brandon won't talk! They are hurting and I don't know how to make it better. They are so young and they lost their dad... they never got to say goodbye."

"It will take time, but they'll heal. It's going to be rough but they'll get through it. You'll be there for them too."

Jessica hugs Danny and cries into his chest.

"But Jessica... are you okay?" He says

Jessica had been just as upset as the boys. Danny knew it was hard for her seeing them so upset. It was a lot to process.

"I'm okay. I'm worried for the boys. I lost my dad, I know what it's like... My dad and I never had the best relationship and when he died I felt so guilty. I just don't want them to feel guilty. That's all." She says

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