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23 weeks pregnant-

Jessica was 23 weeks pregnant and out of her first trimester. Her morning sickness calmed down a bit. She was in a much better mood and not feeling as sick. Jessica and Danny got ready for the Christmas holidays and all the joy it brought. Brandon and Emily were fighting less and helping Jessica out more.

"Danny my feet hurt so bad!" Jessica says as they walk through the park.

"Are you okay mommy?" Brandon says turning around.

"I just need to sit for a second." Jessica finds a park bench and sits down.

She pulls up her pants and looks at her feet.

"They are swollen! Look! My shoes barley fit!" Jessica pouts.

"Aww I am sorry Jess. Wanna hear back home?"

"I'm sorry kids. Is it okay if we go home?"

"Yea, it's fine." Emily says

They all drive back home and Jessica drinks lots of water and moves around her legs.

"What are you doing hot mama?" Danny says staring at Jessica's ass.

"Stop it. Keep it in your pants Daniel."

"Sorry. I just can't help myself."

"I have gained 17 pounds in the last 5 months, my I feel like a ballon, everything hurts, my back aches. I can't take this." Jessica lays o the floor. Danny sits on the floor and rubs her belly.

"I am sorry baby."

"You don't understand!" Jessica tries to sit up.

Danny laughs and helps her up. Jessica grunts and walks to the other room.

"Jess come on."

"Leave me alone Daniel." Jessica walks Into the kitchen and looks at the piles of dishes.

"Does anyone know how to load the dish washer around here? Last time I checked it doesn't load itself!"

"Why are you being like this, here let me help." Danny walks next to her trying to help. She slaps his hand.

"Get away. I need to be alone."

"What the hell was that for?"

"Daniel! Go!" Jessica clenches her teeth.

Danny leaves her be.

Later that night Jessica sat in the bathroom looking at her body in the mirror. Danny walked in on her.

"Look at my naked lady! Damn." He smirks.

"Get out! I am naked! Don't you know how to knock?" Jessica slams the door.

A few minutes later she comes out with a angry face.

"Jessica, your body is beautiful."

"I don't feel beautiful Danny." Jessica quivers her lip.

Danny walks over to her and hugs her. Danny stands behind her and looks in the mirror with her putting both hands on her belly.

"You are. You are glowing. No matter what you will always be my beautiful jessie. You are growing a baby inside of you, it's a beautiful thing." Danny kisses her neck.

"Thank you, I am sorry." Jessica starts to cry.

"No no no! Don't cry!"

"Danny I just need to get out for a while, leave and go somewhere. I feel trapped in Colorado. I want to go somewhere warm." Jessica looks down.

"Let's do it! Before Christmas. We can take a long weekend and go to Arizona or Florida. We can have a babymoon!"

"Babymoon?" Jessica raises her eyebrows.

"Yea! A pre baby vacation. It's probably our last vacation together for a long time until she comes."

"Really? Huh."

"Let's do it! You and I!" Danny begs

"I guess so!"


"I don't deserve you Danny."

"Uh, what do you mean? We deserve eachother. I love you! Don't say that."

"I have been so mean."

"Don't worry baby."


The next day Jessica and Danny go to the OBGYN.

"So Jess, you are measuring at 25 centimeters. And your baby girl is officially 1 pound and a foot! She is the size of a mango!"

"No way! That's so cool! She's growing fast."

"Wow jessie!" Danny says with a smile.

"And you have felt kicks right?"

"Oh yea. She's moving in there all right."

"Great. Any questions before we see her?"

"Yes, Jessica and I were thinking of going on a small trip to Florida for the weekend. We were just wondering if it was safe for her to travel."

"Well, I don't really recommend it."

"Aw, why?" Jessica pouts

"It just doesn't seem safe. I am worried about early labor, it being to stressful on you, and it just may be too late."

"Early labor?"

"It could happen to anyone. If you fly, and it's only for the weekend and you take it easy I can give you the okay. Do you promise to take it easy and call me if anything happens?"

"Yes! I promise!"

"Okay, good. Just be careful. And go soon."

"We will. Thank you."

"No problem, now let's see your baby."

"She's really moving around in there."

"Yea. It's crazy."

"So how do you feel?"


I feel better than I did before. The medicine helps with the morning sickness. Lately I have had bloody gums! And the worst back aches. Other than that just really emotional."

"That's all very common. And it's normal for mothers to have morning sickness into their second trimester. Suck on ice cubes for the gums. Backaches, it's the baby stretching your spine, maybe some hot compress. Swelling, well just move around to get some blood circulation. And moodswings, Danny be patient."

Jessica chuckles. "Thanks, I will take all of the advice I can get."

"It's been a while huh?" He doctor says

"10 years!"


"The tickets are booked for Florida. Clear water beach here we come!" Danny says

"My mom said she can watch the kids next weekend. I can't wait."

Jessica was on the bed framing things, Danny walked over.

"What are all these?"

"Ever since I got my first ultrasound picture with Matt, I save them all and put them in an album. Baby number 3's album is coming along."

"Em's mom made one of those. It's in my office."

"Really? We could put these on the coffee table for when guest come over. Just to go with our other photo albums."

"That would be cool." Danny picks up the picture of the baby from that day and read the caption Jessica made for it.

Little baby girl December 12. 23 weeks pregnant. 1.1 pounds, officially 1 foot. Mommy belly is 25 centimeters.

"This is so cute!" Danny says giving her a kiss.

"I love my scrap booking!" Jessica says rubbing her belly.

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