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Dorthy came into town for the weekend. It was going to be a long weekend. Jessica knew that when Dorthy came in that the boys may cheer up a bit. Dorthy was always easy to talk to. The boys were being very distance from Jessica so Jessica hoped maybe they'd talk to her mother.

The last thing Jessica wanted to happen was the boys bottle in everything in. When she lost her father she did that. She didn't want that pain for them.

"Thank you for coming, Mom." Jessica says to her mother.

Her and Dorthy sat on the couch. Dorthy held Marlowe in her arms and bounced her up and down. She giggled the whole time.

"Of course, Jessie. I glad that I can help.
Are you ready to spend lots of time with Grammy?" She says to Marlowe

Jessica sighs then lays back on the couch.

"It's been a long week? Hasn't it?" Dorthy says

"Yes... I'm just so worried for my boys."

"They are with Roberts family right now?"

Jessica nods "Yes, their grandmother wanted them to be with family. I understand... I just hope it isn't too overwhelming. They haven't seen them since Robert and I divorced."

"I bet they will be fine. It's good for them to be surrounded by his family."

"His family always blamed the boys and I for every fault Robert had... They could never hold their tongues. I hope they don't say something to the boys."

"You are worrying a bit too much, Jessica. I know you have so many worries right now, but I don't think they'll say rude things to the boys. Especially not at a time like this."

"My main focus is just making sure they're okay. Matthew will be going back to school soon and football starts in two weeks. I don't want him to go back and him just fall into some kind of funk again."

"He won't, Jessie. He's a strong boy and a good one too."


That night-

After spending the day with family Brandon and Matthew walked in the door. Jessica could see how exhausted they were. But when they saw Dorthy Jessica could only see happiness. It was the first time in days that they had smiled.

"Grandma?" Matthew walks up behind Dorthy and hugs her tight.

Dorothy turns around and kisses Matthews cheek. "My grandson is so big! Look at you! How are you?" She says holding his cheeks in her hands.

"I'm okay. How are you?"

"Well i'm here so, amazing! Where is that little boy Brandon?"

Brandon runs up to Dorthy and grabs her tight. "Grandma!" He exclaims

"Hi sweetie! You're not so little anymore! None of you. Marlowe is growing, Emily, Brandon, Matthew! My goodness! Stop already!"

"That's how I feel, mom." Jessica giggles

"I think we are feeding them too much." Danny chuckles

"Maybe! Jessica, Danny... if you don't mind I'm going to take the boys out for a bit?" Dorthy says

"Sure! We will have dinner with our girls then tonight." Jessica smiles

"Okay, cool." Matthew smiles

Dorthy took the boys out for a small dinner. They had already eaten but she wanted to try to take their mind off the negative things and cheer them up. She didn't bring up Robert's passing once. She just made happy conversation the whole night. It's what the boys really needed.



It was the day of Roberts funeral. Out of all the days since they found out he was gone, today was the worst. Matthew and Brandon dreaded the funeral. It was all going to be too real for them and they weren't ready. They didn't look forward to the constant pitty. Jessica was going to go with them for support. It only felt right for her to go. Danny, Emily, Marlowe, and Dorthy were staying behind.

While the boys got changed into their suits Jessica got changed into her black dress. Danny came into the room after putting Marlowe down for a nap.

"Hi, honey." Jessica says as she sees him creep into the room.

"Lowie is down for her nap." He says
Danny comes up behind Jessica and rests his head on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asks seeing the sadness in Jessica's eyes.

"I just feel terrible for the boys..." She whispers

"I think it's good that you are going with them..."

"They need me today." She adds


The car ride to the funeral was silent. No one said a word on the way. They pulled into church a while later. The three of them sat in the car for a bit and watched as people walked by dressed in black.

"Black is such a depressing color." Brandon says

Jessica nods "It is... isn't it?"

"Dad always hated black." Matthew adds

"He did. He loved blue." Jessica smiles

Matthew shakes his head and sighs "I just want this day to be over."

"I don't want to see people."

"It's only right that you stay for the service... your family wants you there." Jessica mentions

"I know. We need to say goodbye to Dad." Matthew turns to Brandon and pats his leg

"I-I never got to say goodbye. He did this because he hated me for being such a horrible son." Brandon quivers his lip then breaks. Matthew and Jessica turn around to see him in tears. Jessica quickly gets out of the car and opens the back door. She cradles her son in her arms and he cries. Matthew gets out as well and gets in the back seat with Brandon.

Both boys begin to cry, causing Jessica to cry. "Your father loved you both so much... Jessica whispers

"... he may have had his faults but he never stopped loving you. From the day he found out I was having Matthew and you, he fell in love. Don't ever think he did this because of you two. He did it because he was sad... sometimes you can't prevent things like this... my sweet boys, your Dad loved you so much..."

They sat in the car and held each other. No matter what, Jessica and her boys bond was unbreakable. It had always been the three of them. they were always there for each other and had all been through the ups and downs together... No matter how much pain Robert had caused, the boys were always going to love their father. He wasn't always the best man or father, but that didn't make the loss any less painful.

They all broke away from each other and Jessica took their hands. "I love you two more than anything in this world. If I could make this pain stop believe me I would. But we have to go inside, my loves." She says softly

They both look at each other than back at Jessica. "You are the strongest young men I know. I know you can do this. And I'll be by your side the whole time. We are a pack, remember?"

"We've come a long way." Brandon whispers

"We have, buddy." Jessica reassured him

"And we've gone through a lot." Matthew adds

"Yes... we have. But things always get better and life goes on. It has too." Jessica says sternly

Jessica gets out of the car and the boys follow.

She walks around the car to the front of it and her boys meet her here. She holds out her hands and they both take them.

The three of them slowly walk into the church, together.

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