I Remember

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"Can't it just be the wedding already?" Emily says tugging on Jessica's skirt. Jessica smiles and picks her up.
"I feel the same way kiddo!" Jessica puts her up on the island chair.
"Where is Janey?" Emily says looking around.
"At the vet, remember? We have the day all to ourselves, what should be do?" Jessica says smirking.
"Wedding clothes!" Emily says
"Oh, yea! We need to get dresses don't we?" Jessica giggles.
"Jessica, can I ask you something?" Emily says seriously.
"Sure honey, what's going on?" Jessica sits down next to her and sips her coffee.
"When you and my daddy get married, can you be my mom. Like, can I call you mom. Because, you are like a mom to me."
"Oh Emily, of course! You are like a daughter to me." Jessica smiles and gives her a hug.
"Yay! Thank you."
"What do you say we get on the road and get some dresses?"
"Sounds like a plan!"

Danny's POV-
"Okay guys, your mother said simple. So don't go crazy." Danny says looking at the different suits.
"What color for ties?" Matt says
"Baby blue, and don't forget the sizes. Even though we can have it tailored."
"I can't wait!" Brandon says
"Me too. We can go to the beach!" Matt says
"It's going to be a great day. Very simple with just close family. On the beach, than really good food." Danny laughs
"Do you love my mom?" Brandon says
"What kind of question is that?" Danny laughs
"I don't know." Brandon says with a smile on his face.
"Well, I do. But we should pick out our suits and dash so we can go watch the basketball game."
2 weeks later-
Jessica and Danny where invited to an annual doctors and nurses association party.
"I can't wait to break in these old heels." Jessica laughs putting them on in the car.
"You look beautiful tonight in your black cocktail dress." Danny bites his tongue.
"You don't look bad yourself." Jessica pats his leg.
"Dang, no sex until the wedding is going to kill me."
"April 12th, you can wait baby. It will make everything more romantic, I promise." Jessica giggles
"What about playing around a bit? No sex but yanno."
"No Danny!" Jessica lighting hits him.
"Damn it. Worth the shot."

"Getting married? Finally!" An old coworker of Jessica's says
"Oh Jess, how happy I am for you. When's the wedding?"
"April, we are flying the kids out with us to Hawaii. It will be very small."
"Congrats, I remember witnessing the day you two meet."
"Aww, well thank you."
Danny walks over and wraps his arms around Jessica.
"Heather, do you mind if I steal my lady for a moment to dance?" Danny says taking her hand
"Oh go ahead you two love birds!"

"Danny, I was talking." Jessica says
"Shhh, listen."
The song All Of Me comes on. It was the first song Jessica and Danny listened to in the car on their way to their first date.
"Oh goodness Danny." Jessica says with watery eyes.
"It's hard to believe that I can call you my wife in only a matter of a few weeks." Danny says swaying back and fourth.
"Aw honey. And think about it..."
"We can have a bunch of little Danny and Jessica babies!"
"A bunch? Maybe like one." Jessica giggles
"I just want you to be the mother of my kid. We can have babies together."
"I know baby, but I am getting old. By the time we have a baby I will have one son that's a freshman and college." Jessica says
"36, you aren't old. I am 40."
"Shhh, let's just dance."
"Baby, I love you. You amaze me everyday with everything you do. And you are so damn beautiful."
"I love you too honey."
The next day, March 17th.
Jessica rolled over and smiled at Danny who stared at the ceiling.
"Good morning baby." Jessica kisses him.
Danny doesn't say anything, with watery eyes.
Jessica sits up and looks in his eyes. "Honey? Are you okay?"
"Today is the day." Danny says softly.
"Wha-" Jessica pauses and realizes it was the day Emily lost her mother, and Danny lost his first lover.
"Oh baby, I am so sorry."
"I am worried for Emily. This is the day that she lays in her room crying after we put flowers at her grave. I should get up and go take her out to eat." Danny stands up and slides on jeans and a shirt.
"Okay, when do you think you will be back? Maybe I could make her some pasta."
"Maybe later, I hope you don't mind if I am gone for the day."
"No honey, you go. It's important I understand."

Danny and Emily visited Karen.
Emily laid on the grass and put flowers around her head stone.
"Mommy loved green and purple. I hope see likes these."
Danny kneeled down and patted Emily's back.
Emily turned around and gave Danny a hug.
"I want to hug her."
"She is watching over you right now. Don't worry."
"Hi mom, I miss you a lot.
I hope you are watching me. I look at your picture a lot. And think about you a lot. But daddy is getting married. To a really nice lady, she isn't replacing you. But she reminds me so much of you. I love you mom." Emily sets a picture of them down and stands up wiping her tears.

When Emily gets home with Danny she runs up to her room. Danny sets down his keys, takes a breath, and gives Jessica a kiss while she stirs the pasta.
"Hey, how was it?"
"Rough, I just don't know what to say." Danny says resting his head on Jessica.
"Here, watch this. I am going to go talk to her."

"Emily? Can I come in please honey?" Jessica says knocking.
"Yes, yes please."
Emily was sitting on her bed crying. Jessica walked over and sat on the bed.
"Oh honey. Give me a hug." Jessica opens her arms and Emily runs into them.
She holds onto Jessica crying.
"Today is hard, and I understand. Losing someone is hard. I am sorry honey."
"I feel like daddy is mad at me for crying."
"No he isn't. He understands too. You know a few months ago when it was the anniversary of my dads death, I cried a lot. But I remembered that he is in a better place flying with all the angels. And he is watching over me and the boys."
"I remember when my mom would talk to me when I was sad. When I am sad I miss her even more."
"What is your favorite memory with her?" Jessica smiles rubbing Emily's back.
"When she took me to a funny movie, and we had the theater to ourselves. We didn't even watch the movie."
"That's a great memory honey."
Emily giggled.
"Haha, that made me laugh."
"Think positive and it will make you smile."
"I remember so much."

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