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Jessica and Danny laid in bed on a Monday morning. Danny rested his head on Jessica's upper thy. Her shirt was pulled up the the top of her bump. Danny read stories to the baby as Jessica rested her eyes.

"The little puppy said to his owner, "why can't I have a treat?" The little boy frowned scared to tell the puppy that the treats were gone.

How do you like this story little girl? It isn't my best. But when you are born I can read you a bunch of stories, and you can see the pictures."

Jessica softly opened her eyes and smiled.

"Look mommy's waking up.

Good morning beautiful."

Jessica places her hand on her bump and kisses Danny. "Good morning."

"How did my girls sleep?"

"Not much sleep. I can't sleep."

"Aww, is little girl keeping you up?" Danny pouts

"Just the thought of having a premie scares me. She's going to be so little. What if they have to put her in the NICU?"

"It might happen, but all we can do is pray. We will take our little girl home and I know it. I will make sure she has the best doctors. She's strong."

"The thought of a cesarean section scares me. I wanted to do it vaginally."

"It's all going to be okay. I know I always say it but it will. It's been a stressful pregnancy and I'm sorry, all you can do is relax and keep doing what your doing. You brought your levels up which is good. Only five more weeks baby."

"I wish it was ten."

Danny kisses Jessica again and rubs his fingers through her hair.

"Don't stress."


Later that day Jessica started cleaning around the house after work waiting for the kids to come home from school. Danny decided to leave work early.

"Hey lovely lady." Danny says kissing Jessica.

"Hello." She grins

"The house looks beautiful." Danny says looking around

"Thanks, I've been non-stop cleaning and I can't stop!" She giggles

"Do you remember when you brought up me adopting Brandon?" Danny sits up on the island chair and looks at Jessica.

"Yea, what about it?"

"Are you still up for that?"

"I would like you to. Only if you are comfortable. Do you think it will be a lot to deal with, just with the baby coming."

"Of course I'm comfortable with it. I consider him on of my own. Him and Matthew. I mean we aren't doing it to change his last name. I feel like it means so much more. And it won't be too much."

"Danny that makes me so happy to hear. I think if we talk I him we could try to find a lawyer?"

"Yea! Does Robert have to sign off?"

"I think. Shit."

"If he says no then we can't."

"Yea, that's right. If he says yes then that's like we owe him something."

"We owe him nothing. He owes Brandon this."

"Let's talk to him about it later." Jessica smiles.


After school it was a nice day so the kids, Danny and Jessica all went on a walk around the neighborhood.

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