One Day

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"I love this dress on you!" Jessica says as Emily twirls around.
"It's so pretty!"
"So are you. Do you think this is the one for you?" Jessica says
"Yes! We don't have to return, because it's so amazing." Emily looks in the mirror admiring her dress that she will wear to the wedding.
"Let's hide it, so your daddy doesn't find out." Jessica giggles.
"That would be great." Emily slips off the dress and hands it to Jessica.

Jessica goes downstairs and cleans for a bit, waiting for Matt to get done with work.

"Hey honey, how was the work day?" Jessica ask.
"I need to talk to you."
"About?" Jessica stops cleaning and looks at Matt, concerned.
"I got a call today for the county jail."
Jessica's jaw drops and she laughs. "Matt, don't joke around." She says going back to cleaning.
"Dead ass mom."
"Matthew." Jessica stares at him.
"Robert has me on the visiting list."
"He does?
Are you going to go?"
"That's what I was going to talk to you about."
"It's not my choice Matthew."
"Don't say that mom!"
"What do you want me to say?"
"That it's fine if I go."
"It's fine if you go. Is that okay?"
"I am going tomorrow. To tell him I want nothing to do with him."
"Matthew, he is your father."
"I am telling him to leave our family alone."
"Everything you say is your choice. Do you want me to go with you?" Jessica ask
"No, just don't be mad."
"I won't be, but don't you dare tell your brother."
"Okay. I won't."

Jessica laid in bed while Danny rubbed her leg.
"I miss you." Danny said getting closer.
"Only a few more weeks baby." Jessica chuckled.
"Matthew is going to visit Robert tomorrow." Jessica says faintly.
"Really, I am surprised."
"Me too. I never thought he would." Jessica says
"What is he going to say?"
"I am not sure. Just tell him he wants nothing to do with him."
"That's a shame things happened they way they did." Danny says
"Very, it saddens me because they were so close." Jessica says with her eyes in the magazine.
"One day."
Next Day-

After work Matthew went home and got changed. His heart was racing the whole day. It had only been a few months since he has last seen his father. Matthew kept going over in his mind what he would say to Robert. Would he call him Robert or dad, would he be nice, or let it out. It was all a blur to him.

Matthew stepped into the jail. He first started at the vistors counter and got his ID and then went through security were they patted him down and took his things until he was done. Matthew waited until an officer would bring him into the visiting center.
"Visiting hours start now." The officer says opening the door.
Matt stood up and took a breath. He stared through the window and say the back of his father. He was in an orange jacket. Matt slowly walked towards him and observed all of the different stereotypes. There where the guys with a lot of tattoos. Women getting to see their babies, small wimpy guys, than big macho guys. Then there was Robert. A normal man who used to have it all, he was a lawyer, a great wife and two kids until he blew it all. Matt just wanted to find out why.

"Matthew." Robert says softly. He looked beat.
"Please sit. I didn't think you would come."
"Well, I am here." Matt says looking around.
"Does your mother know?"
"Did she come?" Robert looks around for her.
"She is busy, planning for the wedding and stuff."
"Wedding? She is getting married?"
"Yea." Matt says
"How have you been?
How is your brother?" Robert says.
"I am good. I got a scholarship to PITT. And Brandon is fine."
"I knew you could do it. Tell him I said hi and that I miss him."
"He can't know I saw you, I am sorry." Matt twiddles his thumbs not really looking at Robert.
"I understand.
Matthew, I can express how sorry I am. While I have been in here I have realized so many things. I hope one day you can forgive me."
"What happens from here?"
"Well, my trail is next week. I plead guilty than they send me to Chicago for however long."
"What day is your trail?"
"March 27th, 7 days from now."
"Are you nervous?" Matt say
"Kinda, but I deserve it."
"Hm." Matt says
"Is there anything you want to ask me. You seem to have a lot of questions, and deserve answers."
"Yea, I do.
Why did you take out Ellie's death on mom. Why did you hurt mom, make her feel like shit, lie to her, cheat on her. Abuse her. I want to know."
"I was so angry at the time, I didn't have anyone else to take it out on. My brother had just died, and I tried to use a baby to cover that emptiness. I don't know why I hurt her or cheat on her. I love her so much, I drank and I didn't pay attention. It was like something evil took over. I hope I rot for what I did."
"What about me a Brandon, you never thought about how it would effect us. Dad we used to be so close, you were my best friend. The Man I looked up to. You changed. Now look where we are. You are behind bars for kidnapping your son and putting a gun to his head. I shouldn't be seeing you right now but something inside me said he is still my dad, I still need to see him and say goodbye." In a settle way Matthew begins to cry.
"Matthew, I am sorry." Robert tries to make his hand, but the guard didn't allow it.
"I hope one day I can forgive you." Matt says
"I should have thought about our family, I wish I knew why I did it."
"I am at the point were I don't know wether or not to call you dad or Robert. That's sad."
"Just come on the 27th, see them take me away. Know that that's my punishment and I am taking it. Don't come for support. I just need you to see them take me away. So I can rot for everything."
"You already started to rot when we where taken away from you." Matt bangs the table and sits up leaving the room.

Don't know what to put in until the wedding so I am skipping through pretty fast. Midterms are coming up so I can't update for a while. I hope you all understand...

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