I Saw Him

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"Mom, I am sorry." Matt sits at the dining room table with hits hands over his head.

"How could you do this and not tell me!" Jessica cries throwing her purse across the room.

"He is my father! Family helps each other!"

"Do you know how sick to my stomach I have been. Worrying where he has been, if he would come near me, near you and your brother. You have been going behind my back for months." Jessica stares at Matt with tears in her eyes.

"God damn it, mom! Do you think I fucking asked for this shit? You should have left if you were unhappy. He needed help, and I helped him. Maybe you deserved what he gave you, you cheated on him, you whore."

Jessica walks up towards Matt, hitting him across the face. "Cheated? You think I cheated on your father? You think I am the whore?"

"You bitch." Matt stands up moving away from her.

"Your father cheated on me for months with the same girl. Did you know that Matt? Did you know your father missed your first football game because he was busy fucking around with her in our house? Don't forget about the night you got an award for player of the year, he didn't show up to that either. I have been by your side since the day you were born. I would give my life away to make yours perfect. You don't understand that I had to stay with him. For you and your brother, to keep you safe. I didn't know if he would let me take you, boys. He is too powerful to take chances with. Hearing that you went behind my back and gave him connections to us is just horrible to hear, gave him money, and a way to hide from the authorities. He hurt our family, he deserves to pay. He hurt you." Jessica takes her hand and walks towards Matt. He pushes her away.

"Get away from me, you bitch. He is my dad, he has supported me my whole life. I can't cut him out of my life completely."

Jessica stops with heavy tears in her eyes. She was speechless. She felt as if a heavy boulder was dropped on her chest.

"I hate you! I hate you! Why did you do this to us? Why did you take us away from him? " Matt gets on his knees and throws himself onto the floor hitting it with his fist. He cries loudly. Jessica had never seen him like this. She gets on her knees and holds Matt in her arms. He puts his head on her chest crying "I am sorry" loudly. She rocks him resting her head on his. They sit there, holding each other, grieving.

"I can't see him in prison," Matt whispers in his mother's arms.

"I know sweetie, I know," Jessica says, sniffling.


1 weeks later-

"So Matt, you said you got in contact with your dad about 2 weeks ago?" The officer says

"Yea, he was outside of my school waiting at my car. He looked beat." Matt sits next to his mother in the officer's office.

"Okay, did he tell you where he was staying, or what he had been up to?"

"My dad told me that he lost his job. And that he was trying to find new work to better himself for my mother."

"Did he say where he was staying?"

"No. I didn't ask. He wanted my mother's number, he wanted to see Bradon and my mom."

"How did he act?" The officer asked as he writes quickly.

"Kinda buzzed. He wasn't the same man. In a way he was scared, maybe even broken."

"At your school, was that the only time you saw him?"

"I saw him 4 times after that. In public places." Matt looks at Jessica and puts his head down. Jessica was quite. Her face had no color, emotion, or movement to it.

"Ms. Lange, have you heard anything of your husband?" The officer looks at Jessica. Jessica snaps back and shakes her head. She didn't make any contact with Matt.

"Have you heard from your father this week?"

"He doesn't have my number. He said he wasn't leaving without my mom."

"Wasn't leaving without your mom? What is that suppose to mean?" Jessica says looking forward.

"I don't know."

Jessica shakes her head and wipes a tear from her face.

"Did you tell your father we were moving? Or where we are?" Jessica still didn't look at Matt.

"Of course not? Why would I do that?" Matt turns his body towards Jessica waiting to see her face looking at his.

"I don't know Matt, I have to ask. It's kinda hard to trust you."

"Mom! I told you I am sorry. Please just look at me so I know you aren't mad."

The room grows quiet. Jessica looks ahead at the officer and puts a quick smile on her face, standing up. "I think I am done for today." Jessica fixes her skirt and shakes hands with the officer.

"Ms. Lange, we will have to speak again. We are still on the look out."

"Thanks. Let's go Matt." Jessica picks up her purse and walks out of the room, Matt follows.

How are you guys liking this...? Such a good idea for the next few chapters! Please exuse any errors I know they can get annoying. I don't really edit. If my errors are getting annoying let me know.

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