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5:00 am-

Jessica and Danny drove to the hospital. Jessica was very calm. She held onto Danny's hand the whole way over. It was weird for Jessica to be on her way to the hospital to have a baby and not have any contractions.

When they got to the hospital they gave Jessica a room and put her in a gown. They connected her to some IV's and made her as comfortable as possible. She waited patiently. She was still very calm, and that surprised her.

Jessica's cesarean section was pushed back an hour and a half. Now that Jessica's c-section was pushed back, Dorthy came around five thirty, Sarah planned on coming after the baby was born. She wanted to give Jessica time with her family and not be overwhelmed.

Jessica was a bit sleepy, she could barely sleep that night. She was too tired to be too nervous.

5:30 am-

"How do you feel?" Danny sits next to Jessica and takes her hand.

Jessica nods and gives Danny a soft smile. She mouths okay. Danny smiles and rubs her cheeks.

"You're gorgeous..." he whispers, he saw how tired Jessica was.

"Thank you, love." She giggles

Dorthy walks back into the room with her phone in her hand. "Jessie, it's for you." She hands Jessica the phone.

"Who is it?" Jessica says covering the speaker.

"Matthew!" She smiles

"Matthew, hi honey."

"Hey mom, how are you? I tried calling your phone but the call didn't go through."

"Oh, my bad honey. My phones been off. Thank you for calling." She chuckles

"You sound tired. How is it going? Did you have Marlowe yet?" Matthew says anxiously

"No, not yet... We're still waiting. And I'm okay, just tired."

"I'm sorry I can't be there mom. I just wanted to say... Well, I love you. You are the most incredible mother a kid could ask for. Through everything we've been through, you've just been so strong through it all and been there for me and Brandon. I know I can be a pain, and I'm sorry mom. And I'm so happy that you found Danny, I'm happy you fell in love again, and I'm happy that you are having a little girl. You deserve all of this. You'll do great. And I'll be there soon, okay?"

Jessica teared up. She made a few sniffles and took a deep breath. "I love you too Matthew. You're such a good boy. I'm so lucky. Thank you..."

"I love you, mom."



"Oh Jess, I'm so excited for you." Albert walks into the room and hugs Jessica who had just woken up from a nap.

"Thank you... I'm excited. My nerves are starting to kick in." Jessica twiddles her thumbs and taps her feet.

Danny puts his hands at the end of the bed and tries to calm Jessica down. He rubs her feet.

"It's gonna be just fine sweetheart." Albert says with a smile.

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