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After the kids went to bed Jessica and Danny laid in bed. Jessica's head was spinning. She suddenly just felt so overwhelmed. She thought about how Matthew was, she hasn't herd from him in forever, she thought about Emily's big swim meet next week, she thought about the whole adoption thing with Brandon, how much she had to get done before the baby came, and prepare for the baby that was coming in six weeks.

Jessica tossed and turned, unable to close her eyes.

Danny noticed that she wasn't asleep. He slowly woke up and wrapped his arms around Jessica comforting her.

"Jessie, what's wrong?"

"Go back to bed, I'm fine." She says

"You aren't fine. Something is bothering you."

"It's not just something, it's everything." Jessica groans

"Why don't we talk about it."

"We just have so much going on. I'm worried about Matthew. I haven't herd from him since I was in the hospital. I get he's busy but still, I miss him! And Brandon, gosh he's so anxious to do this whole adoption thing, I just don't think we can do it right now. The baby is coming in six weeks! This process will take a long time.

I'm just so overwhelmed , I want to make everyone happy and just.... gosh I don't know!" Jessica rambles

"You need to take deep breaths and relax... I'll talk to Brandon and just let him know that this whole adoption thing can't happen right away. And for Matthew, just give him a call." Danny puts his hand on Jessica's shoulder and kisses her cheek.

"I guess I can call him in the morning." She smiles

"Okay... Don't stress, it's not good for our little Lowie."

"Hey little girl..." Jessica says moving her hand in circular motions around her stomach.

"Mommy and daddy love you, we just can't wait to meet your little monkey butt." Danny chuckles

Jessica looks at Danny and plays with his curls.

"I hope she has your curls."

"I know she'll have your looks. She's going to look just like you."

"Oh gosh..." Jessica giggles

"We are going to share a little life together. Jessica we made a baby." Danny moved closer to Jessica and wrapped his arms around her.


Later that day- Danny's POV-

After Danny dropped Emily off at practice,
Danny and Brandon drove around and picked up some things for Jessica.

"I can't wait for baseball season! It's going to be awesome!" Brandon says looking up at Danny.

"Baseball is going to take you real far kid. Just like football took Matt far." Danny playfully hits Brandon's shoulder and smiles.

"I'll be making all the home runs."

"That's right...

But hey, I wanna talk to you about something."

"Okay? What?"

"It's about the adoption...

Listen, I really want to adopt you. But right now, I just don't think we can. Your mother is really overwhelmed right now and I feel like we should hold back on adoption for a while. It's a long process. I promise it will get done within a few months. But for right now we just have to wait, I hope you understand."

"I do... I'm sorry if I put too much pressure on you or mom."

"You didn't bud... We will make it happen, just not at this moment."

Brandon nods and hugs Danny. "Thank you..."


31 weeks-

"Damn it!" Jessica says throwing her phone down.

"What's wrong?" Emily says softly

"Have you herd from Matthew?" Jessica says to Emily.

Emily shakes her head and continues eating her oatmeal.

Jessica turns around and rest her body on the countertop. Her crosses her arms and stares in front of her.

It had been since the beginning of January since Jessica spoke to Matthew. He didn't answer any of her calls and never got back to her. It made her super nervous. She was worried that something was wrong. Her first extinct was the go to Pittsburgh.

"Good morning everyone! Who is ready for Emily's swim meet today?" Danny says walking over to Emily. He took her out of the chair and span her around.

"Daddy, I'm going to beat my time!" She says

"Emily swims faster than Michael Phelps." Brandon says

"Not yet..." She gives Brandon a funny look and giggles.

Danny looks at Jessica who was by the window staring outside.

"Why don't you two go pack up. We have a long drive." Danny says patting their backs.

"Okay, thanks for breakfast!" Emily says to Jessica.

Jessica turns around and smiles.

Danny walks behind her and wraps his arms around her resting his chin on her shoulder.

"What's on your mind?"

"Everything..." Jessica turns around with tears in her eyes.

"I need to get a ticket." Jessica walks over to her phone.

"What? A ticket?"

"Yes! To Pittsburg!" Jessica opens up goggle on her phone. She rapidly types to find plane tickets.

Danny walks over to Jessica and sighs...

"Jessie, I bet he's fine. School is busy right now."

"No, he isn't okay! He hasn't called or anything. Danny he hasn't even posted on Facebook. What if he's hurt or....

What if he got into bad stuff again and he's hurt. And I don't even know." Jessica drops her phone and breathes heavily.

"You can't go to Pittsburg... You have to stay home."

"Then you go! I need you to go and make sure he's okay." Jessica says quickly.

Danny puts both of his hands on Jessica's shoulder and takes a deep breath in and out.

"You need to relax. You are over thinking."

"This is my son!"

"I understand that... But Jessie, he's old enough to take care of himself. He can easily just be too busy."

"Too busy to not call for a month? I don't think so. I have Cailin's number, maybe she knows."

"No Jessica"

"Daniel!" Jessica stomps her foot and glares at Danny. Danny takes her phone from her hands.

"Fuck you"


"No Danny! Something could really be wrong, and you don't care."

"I do, but nothing is wrong."

"How do you know?" Jessica puts her hand on the counter and stares into Danny's eyes.

Danny sighs and looks away from Jessica.

"Daniel Huston, if you don't tell me I swear to god. Did he call you?" Jessica points her finger at Danny.


"Don't Jessica me, tell me right now! I have a right to know. I'm his mother!"

"Okay... fine."

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